Prof. Jessica Penner | OL05 | Fall 2020

Dylan Nanjad, Meet my Shorts

I’ve never really been into dressing up or getting expensive clothes. That’s probably because I had to wear a uniform in school for most of my life. Now I definitely get excited to prepare for big events but that’s about it. I’m super practical, and my cargo shorts are pretty much the ultimate proof of that mentality. I’ve had these since i was maybe 12. I’m almost 20, although it did take a little while to grow into them. They give my legs plenty of space to breathe and move, and the cargo pockets feel awesome. They rest right by my hands when i let them down naturally, so to access them all i have to do is bend my wrist a little bit. So convenient. My mom’s been telling me to throw them away because of how worn out they look, but honestly, I’ll take comfort over aesthetic any day.


  1. Angelica Salazar

    I liked the details you gave us when telling us the reasons why you like your cargo shorts. Cargo shorts seem to be very convenient with the pockets and the comfort of it all. Do you have any other piece of clothing that is as comfortable as your cargo shorts?

  2. Kiara Wright

    I really like how you explained how comfortable the pants are. honestly i still have gym shorts that i had since the 6th grade and they still fit and comfortable. the school logo is worn out though. Are Cargo pants your favorite style of pants?

  3. Diana Rivera

    I enjoyed reading how descriptive you were about the way the shorts feel on you. Did you ever consider finding the same shorts in the same size, brand, and style? Do you have a specific shirt that goes with the cargo shorts?

  4. Sarvinoz Erkinova

    Its awesome how you shared your story of love you have for cargo pants. It tells that you love simplicity and not a materialistic person. I honestly love them too, they’re very comfortable and perfect for on the go errands. Do you wear anything different for special occasions or holidays? Or do you prefer your cargo pants?

  5. Leviza Murtazayeva

    Hey Dylan, it was nice to read about yourself. It is nice to know that there are still people who have other things in mind rather than dressing to impress. Even tho I have a really concrete and strict fashion taste I never dressed for someone else. From what I read, I can picture you from your advanced description and also I can imagine how you are as a person.
    Do you have any other preference for clothes? What’s your favorite style or color of shirt?

  6. Chynaworrell

    I really like how well you described your cargo shorts. I wore a uniform up until my sophomore of high school but I liked the idea of dressing up and wearing expensive clothes and I did whenever I got the chance. It’s interesting that we both have different takes on it. What type of things do you like to wear for big events?

  7. Mohammed Hashim

    I totally agree! Comfort over aesthetics.

  8. Jozelyn

    I can definitely relate to your comment on not bing into getting dressed up at first because of uniform. I myself, have been to catholic as a young child so I never really payed much attention to clothes until I left. Even though your mom tells you to throw your shorts out, it is hard to let go of something this is so comfortable and convenient. Have you tried to look for similar cargo shorts or another pair that may be just as comfortable?

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