Which discourse community do you think would benefit from your research? How much do they know about the subject? What assumptions, expectations, and/or concerns might they have? Why and how would this discourse community benefit from this information? What would be the best method/genre/media for reaching your community and why? (approx. 200 words)

The discourse community that would benefit from the research is the black lives matter Community. How they know about the subject is they would know because a lot of black lives matter people in the community are already talking about social injustice so they would benefit from my research a lot. The concerns is that others mayn’t understand and or benefit from the research that was given and some might not really care so much about social injustice and that’s ok too. This discourse community would benefit from this information because as stated already a lot of people involved in this community goes through social injustice on a daily basis.the best method and or genre would have to be the ted talk or any type of videos because the discourse community mostly see things through social media