Muhammad Musharib
Word Count : 224
My focus of Unit 1 Assessment was mainly focused on the freedom of Kashmir that is part of India. Based upon my research on unit 2 assessment I believe the people that are going through racism is going to benefit because India and Pakistan are fighting a land that is Kashmir, Majority of Muslim lives in Kashmir, and majorities of the Indian population in the entire region of India are to followed by Hinduism, and the religious and political dispute is the cause of the brawl situation between Pakistan and India. The concern they’ll have is racism which still exists in 2020 because Pakistan and India have two different religions as number one, India’s first religion according to the population is Hinduism an According to Pakistan it Is Muslims. Even in modern countries like the United States Of America racism in some parts of the country is high. For example, George Floyd who was killed because of knee pressure by a white police officer, and due to that specific major factor, the entire country was on lockdown and also at that time COVID-19 was on the rise, Another example how the President of the United States of America kept using the term “Chinese virus” instead of Corona Virus that is also considered racism. The best method to fix these situations is to end racism.
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