Even in ancient times, people formed their thoughts in the form of rock paintings, thereby talking about their life, thoughts and interests. With the help of a picture, you can accurately convey the essence of an event. After all, if you write a book, then it contains a lot of philosophical thoughts or a lot of words containing a description of the area, mood, and weather of the given plot. Therefore, the main goal of graphic novels and films is an intelligible form of communicating ideas and it is not surprising that the relatively recent concept of “graphic novel” is becoming more and more popular. However, many treat him with disdain, considering him no higher than a comic strip. A graphic novel on the same principles as a traditional work of fiction: the opening, twists and turns, climax, denouement, finale. Of course, when viewing the entire novel, the theme of the author’s mood is felt, one can even understand the pain that the author carries through the entire story and the loss of each hero. Heroes develop; change over the course of the story, which adds psychology and depth, in contrast to the comics, where the characters are static. When, back in school, we had our homework on the subject of computer science, we had to create a cartoon based on such drawings, without sound. It was a rather difficult task, first you need to come up with a plot that will interest your classmates, and then draw it using paint program, only after that overlay the drawings so that you get a movie. I had trouble drawing the plot I intended. Although, in general, I coped with the task, choosing the topic “One day in the life of a schoolchild”, still quite a lot of questions arose in this work. The most important task of a multimodal test is to explain complex events in simple language.