Posner, Michael. “Why We Should Care About Human Rights: The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights At 70.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 10 Dec. 2019, www.forbes.com/sites/michaelposner/2018/12/09/why-we-should-care-about-human-rights-the-universal-declaration-of-human-rights-at-70/.

The article primarily focuses on the establishment of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and how it takes effect around the world. The establishment primarily stems from the tragedies that took place during WWII and the prime reason this declaration was created. The article mentions countries like Yemen, Myanmar, South Sudan and Venezuela who are all undergoing human rights violations maybe now be improved due to the declaration that the UN has put forth. While this doctrine may help with the global crisis of human rights, not many of the countries are willing to commit to the realization of the problem.

The article I read was very well written by the author. The details describe the true events that are taking place with the ongoing crisis and the best possible outcomes with the current doctrine. Although the article states that this doctrine may help with the ongoing problem, I also believe that it would be very difficult to truly predict the outcome. Other than that I believe the author did a good job at explain the positive outcomes of the doctrine.

“The Universal Declaration broke new ground in two important ways. First, it universalized human rights, asserting that all people are entitled to these protections by virtue of our humanity. Put differently, we are born with rights and do not depend on governments to bestow them upon us.”


“An Introduction to Human Rights.” The Australian Human Rights Commission, 3 Apr. 1970, humanrights.gov.au/our-work/education/introduction-human-rights.

This articles main purpose is to explain the background of where human rights come from and why they are truly important in every society we live in. The article gives examples such as WWII and the ruling of King John of England. The article also mentions one of the first known variations of human rights doctrine that was passed known as the Magna Carta. The basics of what human rights is is explained in the article through the use of such examples and makes the reader understand why these rights must be kept protected at all costs.

Personally I think that the article was written very clearly and shows a good example of why such a important human right should be inherited in everyone. Every detail the article gives thoroughly explains the valid reasons on human right violations and makes a good argument. Even though it would be immoral to argue against human rights which makes the writing easier, the article does not take away the gruesome facts that lie behind the way human rights were treated in the past. Overall, the article gives proper information and gives good insight on the right facts.

“The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw continuing advances in social progress, for example, in the abolition of slavery, the widespread provision of education and the extension of political rights. Despite these advances, international activity on human rights remained weak.”
