Chelsea Brenyah

September 29,2020



Word Count:

  1. I feel like this was a good genre because it allows you to speak freely without you having a certain type of format to follow. It was easier than a traditional essay because I felt that I was able to express myself more, and try to connect with the audience, which is everyone who is going through the pandemic at the moment. For me it was a reminder for the people to understand how it is important to cherish our Healthcare workers who sacrifice their lives everyday to save lives. Frederick Douglass’ speech was a great model because it  was a really strong speech which addressed an issue that was going on, on the day his targeted audience were celebrating their independence day.
  2. I didn’t really face much difficulties in writing my speech but this part was kinda hard for me to word it “These problems include fear of infecting their family members. “ I wanted to add my personal experience to it but I just didn’t know how to do so. My sister who lives with me is a healthcare worker and when Covid was crazy she had to stay in a hotel for 3 months to avoid infecting any of us.
  3. If I had an additional 24 hours to work on the speech I would implement more of my experience dealing with covid. For example my sister being a healthcare worker, many people from my church dying from covid, someone very close to me surviving covid, and someone I personally knew who died from covid. I feel that this would’ve strengthen my speech.