Chhring N Sherpa

English 1121

Quote 1: This, for the purpose of this celebration, is the 4th of July. It is the birthday of your National Independence, and of your political freedom. This, to you, is what the Passover was to the emancipated people of God. It carries your minds back to the day, and to the act of your great deliverance; and to the signs, and to the wonders, associated with that act, and that day. This celebration also marks the beginning of another year of your national life; and reminds you that the Republic of America is now 76 years old. I am glad, fellow-citizens, that your nation is so young. (Page 1, stanza 4)

Paraphrase : It is the birthday of your (white people) National Independence, and your political freedom. The 4th of July is a celebration that commemorates your (white people) national life. White nation is 76 years old which is too young.

Response: Douglass is illustrating that 4th of July is a celebration that only remarks white nation’s birthday as he describes white people as ‘your’. Douglass is basically fighting against the slavery that still existed during his era. He believes that celebration of 4th of July doesn’t have any value towards him or his fellow people of color, it only reminded white people of their nation’s birthday.

Quote 2: “Feeling themselves harshly and unjustly treated, by the home government, your fathers, like men of honesty, and men of spirit, earnestly sought redress. They petitioned and remonstrated; they did so in a decorous, respectful, and loyal manner. Their conduct was wholly unexceptionable. This, however, did not answer the purpose.” (Page 3, Stanza 2)

Paraphrase: America was once a nation that was controlled by the British government and the oppressed ones fought for their freedom relentlessly and gained their freedom. However, the fight didn’t end the whole oppression subject.

Response : Douglass is saying that even though the oppressed white people where able to free themselves from the British, they still didn’t answer the purpose of it. Since, in the declaration of independence it is said that all man are created equal but slavery still existed. So, Douglass is trying to say that the whole declaration of independence didn’t answer the purpose.

Quote 3:

“Trust no future, however pleasant,
Let the dead past bury its dead;
Act, act in the living present,
Heart within, and God overhead.” (Page 6)

Identify the writing strategy you see Douglass using: Douglass uses words and places them in a way that is simple and direct. For instance, he addresses that act in the living present meaning that we should act for the present since we are living in the present.

Explain why you find this useful, persuasive, or effective in some way: I found this useful since I usually write songs and my lyrics aren’t too direct and straight forward and after seeing this piece by Douglass, I should be thinking about how I can directly send my message to the audience.

Quote 4:

“Is this the land your Fathers loved,
The freedom which they toiled to win?
Is this the earth whereon they moved?
Are these the graves they slumber in?” (Page 13)

Identify the writing strategy you see Douglass using: In here Douglass is questioning his audience and also making similarities between positive words and negative words. For instance, he is making similarities between freedom and grave which have opposite meanings to each other.

Explain why you find this useful, persuasive, or effective in some way: I find this useful because the way Douglass places words in a sentence play a huge role and makes a phrase meaningful by using opposite words.