Letter to a prospective student.
My name is Daria Dubovskaia. I am a mechanical engineering student.

I found this class very helpful, and it helped me with practicing my writing skills in the English language.
Currently, English is the primary language for world communication, trade, and culture. I am not a native speaker, so I enjoy every opportunity of developing and polishing the way I write, speak, and think in English. In this class, you will take quite a deep dive into several immortal readings that should awaken your interest in elegant writing regardless of your background. People who wrote them were extremely skillful speakers or writers, and it is good to realize what and how they said or wrote something. This class will help you to get better at putting your thoughts on paper. In the long run, English composition will save you hundreds of hours on writing inspiring letters, professional emails, and just different works that will be the cornerstones of your career, education, and life.
We are practicing online education these months, and it requires a few new habits. I would recommend reading the class agendas shortly after the professor posts them. When in a regular offline class, you get information on what to do almost immediately, and you have a feeling of what amount of work to accomplish. Here, the homework volume may differ significantly from week to week, and some tasks could be a real surprise.
When stuck at the beginning of writing something, imagine that you are an award-winning writer. All good writers have bad days, almost every day actually. It should help to challenge yourself more by rewriting what you already wrote and making it better and better. I am not exaggerating here – some tasks are not easy and will force you to do tricks like that one.
Good luck at becoming better writers, and do not cheat – the one you are cheating on is only yourself, and the hard work always pays off. Cheers!