Research Question: How can we fight Climate Change?

Their were a few reasons why and how I became interested in this question. Climate Change was brought to my attention once again a few weeks back, when they announced the Climate Clock in Manhattan. The purpose of the clock was to inform the people of how much time we have left to try and prevent the effects of global warming. Furthermore, Climate Change is a current problem that affects all of us at them moment and for future generations. I find it to be very interesting to learn about a current issue in todays society and learn about different ways to find an easy solution. I am interested in this question because I want to not only learn more about Climate Change, I want to inform others of the real task at hand. We need to learn how to change our everyday lives to help and slow the effects of global warming. It will not be a easy transition for many thus, they need to be informed to make the necessary changes in their daily life. The answers and information I expect to find in response to Climate Change is how much time do we really have to prevent climate change, what exactly do we need to do and how, and will it change our daily lives in a major way. If I find something that does not fit my hypothesis I will try to understand the differences in hypothesis and try to find a way how to connect it and elaborate more on the current issue of climate change. Finding something that is different or doesn’t really fit your hypothesis, can allow you the ability to brainstorm and form new ideas that can eventually lead to solving your main question.