• The Declaration of Independence is made up of several sections. Read through and pay attention to the document’s organization. Write a few sentences summing up the purpose of each section and the reason (or reasons) it was written (e.g. is it a call to action? an explanation? a proposal of a solution? something else?).

The purpose of each section is to announce the reasons for each of the documents. It was there to explain the colonists’ right to revolution. A summary of sections that had a purpose for writing was the Preamble, Grievances, and the Resolution of Independence. The Preamble was written to inspire and unite the colonists for a better life. The Grievances were a long list of complaints against King George III of the right to rebellion and that how congress formed separation. The Resolution of Independence was that the United Colonies had the right to be free and become Independent States.

  • What about this document is or is not persuasive in your view?

In this document, what is persuasive in my view is where it states, “He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.” This is persuasive in my view because I believe that how he would control the citizens to turn against their own country so that it can breakup everyone.

  • Take a look at Randy Barnett’s article in The Washington Post. In it, he interprets several of the claims made in the Declaration, and he explains what these claims are saying in modern terms. Pick one or two of the claims that you feel relate to concerns, issues, or problems in American society today, and explain your choice (or choices).

One claim that I feel relates to concerns, issues, and problems in American society today is

#2 where it states, “Decent respect to the opinions of mankind.” This might be viewed as a kind of an international public opinion test. Or perhaps, the emphasis is on the word “respect.”  The obligation to provide the rest of the world with an explanation others can evaluate for themselves.  Again, like the presentation to the public of an indictment stating legal and factual grounds for incarcerating an individual.

This is an issue and problem in American society today because being respected by important people in our lives teaches us that how to be respectful toward others. I believe that Barnett was saying that how all people should respect each other and that how if someone doesn’t treat you with respect, then they don’t earn your respect. Today I feel that in my opinion, society has lost “respect” mostly from young people. They disrespect their elders, and could even disobey their parents as well. I feel that the young people of today think of nothing but them and are impatient.