Amanda Feliz


September 13, 2020

Prof. Penner 

  1. Why is she writing this letter? What does she want from the recipient of the letter? 

The reason Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this letter is to basically argue about how she wants women to be treated with respect and equal. She also ebolates about the education system and how men should be more respectful. I believe what she wants from the recipient is society in that time to treat women equality.  

  1. After reading this letter, how would you identify the DC that Wollstonecraft is a part of? Does the recipient appear to be a part of this DC or outside of it? (Really think about this!)

I believe the DC that Wollstonecaft is part of the female rights. I believe the recipient is actually part of DC, because in the letter Wollstonecaft talks about the equality that women should have in that time society. 

Find two moments (either a sentence or a paragraph) where Wollstonecraft’s writing strategy gets your attention, and think about how you might use these strategies as models for your own writing. (Remember: for Unit 1 Assignment: Investigation a Discourse Community you will be writing your own speech or letter.)

In your response for #3, use the following format:

Quote 1: “We seem to forget that our own domestic •comforts and the •education of our children must depend on the qualities of the female sex. And what •comforts or •education can we expect from a race of beings who are corrupted from their infancy and know nothing of the duties of life?” (28)

Identify the writing strategy you see Wollstonecraft using: She makes the reader think about the things we forget around us. 

Explain why you find this useful, persuasive, or effective in some other way: I find this useful because it makes whatever your writing more interesting to the reader.

Quote 2: “With respect to the culture of the heart, it is unanimously allowed that sex is out of the question; but the line of subordination in the mental powers is never to be passed over. [footnote] Only ‘absolute in loveliness’ [Milton’s phrase], the portion of rationality granted to woman is, indeed, very scanty; for, denying her genius [see Glossary] and judgment, it is scarcely possible to divine what remains to characterize intellect.”  (36)

Identify the writing strategy you see Wollstonecraft using: She tells the reader if there is any confusion there is a glossary and a footnote. 

Explain why you find this useful, persuasive, or effective in some other way: For the readers who didn’t understand these strategies can help the reader to understand more what the reader is trying to say.