Prof. Jessica Penner | D420 | Fall 2023

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment (approx. 100 words) to this post introducing yourself to the class. Write two paragraphs that respond to the following prompts:

  • Write a paragraph discussing your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns if you wish).
  • Write a paragraph about yourself as a reader and writer. What kinds of readings and writings are you drawn to? What type do you avoid and dislike? Why do you think you lean towards certain types of texts and away from others?
    • Come back to this post and see what your fellow students have written. Comment on at least one. For example, if a student discusses how they like graphic novels (and you’ve never ready any) ask the student titles they’d recommend to a new reader.


  1. Kelvin Jarama

    My name is Kelvin Jarama, my pronouns are he/him. My family is from Ecuador so my sense of family is strong, I spend most of my time hanging out with my cousins playing soccer or volley at the park on weekends. I like sketching drawings of houses and making blueprints of the imaginary house I am going to own one day. I enjoy watching videos that describe how the world has changed economically, politically and socially. Some of the videos I watch range from the Cartels in South America to the Writers strike that is happening now. I play soccer competitively and I am certified in various things like First Aid/CPR as well as having 4 OSHA licenses/certificates.

    As a reader and writer, I have always enjoyed progressive readings, as if they unfold to tell a story. Readings like realistic fiction or mythological readings like that made by Rick Riordan are some things that I am drawn to very quickly. As a kid, I always tried to connect points and draw connections between things that may seem supernatural and events that happen in the real world. I have also enjoyed reading about the biography or autobiography of a person. I love hearing the stories and experiences of people who have left their mark on the world. I try to avoid readings that focus on scientific research as they have a lot of information about something that may not interest me at all. The reason I lean towards texts that feel like they unravel a story is because it is much easier to retell it and remember it because your mind makes a connection between that story and something that you have experienced.

  2. Juandi

    My name is juan diego, but you can call me Juandy. I am from Colombia and I came to the United States 3 years ago. I spend my time playing tennis or sharing with my family or friends. I love medicine and all relations with patology, human anatomy, Physiology, and of course helping people in complicated situations. I have a technician in EKG and also Phlebotomist.

    as a reader, I usually do it in my primary language, which is a little complicated for me in English. but when I do I usually read about medicine, mystery stories, novels books. as a writer, I do not write too much. when I do it it’s because I had an assignment or something like that. but some topics could be about sexism, medicine, my experience here in NY or inequality in the world

  3. Alexxa Cornejo

    Hello! My name is Alexxa Cornejo and my pronouns are she/her. My family came from Colombia and tried their very best to give me a life that they never got to experience and one being attending college to receive a degree in dental hygiene. My mother, the lady I look up to the most, always wanted to become a dental hygienist, but due to loss of motivation she wasn’t able to do it. After months of research, I realized how much I actually liked the idea of working with my own patients and helping them improve their oral health. I always knew this was what I wanted to do. I find science absolutely fascinating, just knowing where we once originated from is interesting. I enjoy reading romance novels for example, it Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover. Any novels written by her I enjoy. Because of my roots and my surroundings I enjoy Spanish music specifically, Karol G. My all time favorite show AKA my comfort show is Gilmore Girls. This show is about a mother and her teenage daughter trying to find their way around life. On my spare time I spend time with my niece, Gabriella, and shop around Soho.

    As a reader and writer I like short novels that grab my attention. For example, poems and things that have true meaning to them. I’m not a huge fan of long lengthy novels, I tend to stay away from books that don’t relate to me. I think I lean more towards certain types of texts because I mainly look for things that motivate me and uplift me. Just knowing I’m able to connect with the book knowing that other writers or readers feel the same way and want to grow. Usually when I’m not interested in a book I’m more prone to getting distracted.

    • savionw

      Wanna put me on to some spots in soho to shop,i need some recommendations .Im the same way about the length of my readings .

    • Maryann

      I’m also a fan of Colleen Hoover! I read It Ends with Us a while back and cried at the end. I hear a movie based on the book is being made, starring Blake Lively.

    • Yaheidy Rodriguez

      I see that you like Karol G, what do you think of her new album? Have a favorite song?

  4. Kia

    Hi, my name is Shykya Williams but you can call me Kia. My pronouns are she/her. The major I chose to take is computer engineering. I chose this major because I’ve always had a love for computers and technology in general. I found out my love for technology when I went to summer camp after 7th grade and I picked up a soldering iron for the first time. Right then and there, I knew I wanted to be a computer engineer. The things I like to do during my free time is play video games, work out, listen to music and watch anime/movies/tv shows. When I am reading, I tend to read books that are romance, action, and drama but mainly books that have movie adaptations. I like to compare the details that the movies may have missed and vise versa.

    As a reader and writer, I am drawn to fictional books and argumentative writings. For fictional books, I tend to lean towards them more because it requires me to use my imagination, which is something I use a lot (I’m a daydreamer). When it comes to argumentative writings, there’s so many points to talk about that can back up the reason why you chose the side that you did and I can go on and on explaining the side I chose and why. I like to stay way from non-fictional books and other types of writing. I can’t use my imagination as much with non-fictional books because on one instance, it is based on real experiences and I can only try to empathize with the author or the main person/people that the book is about. On the other instance, I can’t feel or imagine anything if the book is not about people (geography for example). As far as other types of writings, it’s always something that I’ve struggled with and as long as I’ve been struggling with them, I’ve hoped to become better at it someday.

    • Osamwonyi Noyiagbon

      Your distaste of non fiction is interesting does it in some way influence what you watch.

  5. Abdul Zeynalov

    Hello, my name is Abdul, I am from Azerbaijan I major in computer information systems, I chose this major because I’m really into computers and tech support, I’m sure everyone born after 2000 has to help their older relatives with technology, and we know the feeling of them getting happy at fixing the smallest mistakes. I am a bit odd when it comes to reading, what I do is look up the most sold books or best ranked books in the world and then read them, I don’t try and find anything on my own, cause I don’t want to invest hours into a book just to hate it like I did with Brave New World, I don’t listen to music because I believe its harmful to your ears and your emotional balance, in my spare time I play video games and do deep dives into Wikipedia

    as a reader I like Novella books (shorter than 150 pages) such as the works of Kafka and guy de Maupassant, I like books that have a deep meaning like catcher in the rye which is my favorite book, books have always been used as a way to convey messages using themes such as magical realism. when I write books I go for an unseen perspective, if given the option I will always choose the most bizarre element of anything just to give my odd take on it, what attracts me to my style of books is the sense of purpose, if the book has a meaning attached to it you can gain something from reading it, I stray away from anime or romantic books because there’s no moral no dilemma nothing is attached besides pointless conflicts like the divergent, good book but absolutely no one cares to remember it.

    • AngelC

      I have the same interest in books were the book has a hidden message or its almost like the story revolves around message.Its also enjoyable when you can predict future events in the books because of the underlining message.

  6. Angel Mendez

    My name is Angel Mendez. This is my first year at college. I’m very happy that I made it. Some things I like to do is play soccer. It’s something that helps me improve everyday. I also play in a team. I choose architecture as my major because when I first got in the U.S I used to say I want to be an architect I want to do designs even tho I didn’t know what architects do but I always had the idea, the other reason was that when I was in high school applying for college it was hard for me to get into a college that had architecture as a major and I was giving up and than I received a call saying that I was accepted and if I wanted to go to accept the offer that day I decided was going to do everything to learn and make that dream come true.

    As a reader I’m not the best but i’ve been reading a book about finance in the morning when I’m on my way to school at first it was boring but after some days I liked and I try to read in the mornings I don’t know why I just do before I used to hate reading in high school when we were in class I used to sleep while reading but during my free time I catch up and as a writer I’m not the best but I like to write about things that I understand also some I think I need to work on some things like be more patient and also always try to understand and read things until I get the central idea.

    • Kelvin Jarama

      I like to play soccer too and I like reading about finances through news and that stuff

  7. AngelC

    My name is Angel Caka my pronouns are he/him. My major is computer systems this is because many jobs like programming, cybersecurity and creating websites all require this major. All these professions pay well for example the median pay of cybersecurity annually is $102,600. On top of high pay these jobs don’t have a location limit so I can be on the other side of the world and work. I also enjoy playing games online like r6, mk11 and marauders. My enjoyment of games also plays a big part in why I want to be a programmer since they create the games, I spent a lot of my time playing. When I’m not indoors, I enjoy playing football my main position is a wide receiver and cornerback. I played for the NYPD and my high school. Surprisingly I don’t enjoy watching the NFL or having an irrational loyalty to the teams that play in the NFL.

    As a reader and writer, I enjoy novels with fascinating characters, usually with an inner conflict. I believe a well written character can make novel worth reading. However, what I don’t enjoy reading is stories were the character day to day life is include for example like the story can spend a whole chapter following the character going to work interacting with coworkers and shopping. The reason I don’t enjoy stories with this format is because I work, shop and interact with other people every day why would I read a book that has the same thing going on I watch shows and read books that usually shows the character interacting with an unfamiliar setting or living a fast-interesting life, it helps keep my intention.

    • MichaelBuckhanon

      We have a lot in common, I major in computer engineering Because I wanted to know the way computer are built. But I’m also looking into a cyber security career and I play r6 as well in my spare time.

  8. Osamwonyi Noyiagbon

    As you can see from my profile my name is Osamwonyi Noyiagbon which can be cut down to just Osa or Sam for short, my major is Computer Systems Technology as in the future I hope to work as a lead programmer for a big tech company which works with games or software which works to support games as I’ve played them all throughout my life and also money. I enjoying reading Japanese manga from either series I have watched or just stories which I think look interesting that have not gotten an adaptation. I like to listen to video game osts, and jpop.

    In terms of what stories I’m drawn to I enjoy stories which either have a laid back feeling or that have expansive world building which has the reader asking questions the second they begin reading. The type of stories I dislike are ones which have terrible endings where it all happened in a dream or in the protagonist’s head causing everything which was built upon to be worthless. I lean towards stories with expansive world building due to how boring and dull the actual world is so it gives a refreshing feeling like your being taken to a whole new universe.

  9. Gisselle Rivera

    Hi. My name is Gisselle Rivera my pronouns are she/her. This is my first year at college and my major is Health sciences. I’ve mostly always been a fan of Science like physics, Biology, Anatomy, and biochemistry. Books I enjoy reading are classic books like Fyodor Dostoevsky, House of the dead, Ive been also wanting to read crime and punishment I don’t have a preference for books I would just like them to look interesting or to be interesting and not have a boring plot that goes nowhere. I like to watch shows that get my attention or call out to me like Grey’s Anatomy, The good doctor, the walking dead or others. I don’t have a preference to music there isn’t a specific genre I listen to I like to have verity that way I have lots of music to listen to.

    Im not a fan of writing since I have nothing to write about or write on the page but reading on the other hand is something I like to do it’s calming to read and listen to music. Im a fan of any book that looks interesting I’m not the biggest fan of romance novels since I haven’t found any interesting novels to read about the topic. I would like to reading something interesting that won’t get me bored easily.

    • Huimei Liao

      What type of music do you listen to when reading? I do the same thing, any recommendations?

  10. Yaheidy Rodriguez

    My name is Yaheidy, am from the Dominican Republic (I always try to represent where I come from when I get the chance because am that kind of person that is very proud of their background and where they came from) and being able to be here in college for me is very important, not just because I get the chance to do what I like to do, but also to make proud my mom and family that never got the opportunity to be where I am. Am majoring in computer science, to be honest I’ve always wanted to do many things in my live, but technology just caught my attention. Technology is the future, and that’s one of the reasons why I want to learn more about it, and of course be part of it. In addition the jobs that come with computer science will also help me to do other things that I love while I work, for example working while I travel and have fun. In my free time I like to play and watch sports, watch videos of creators that are Hispanics that I know I can learn new things from. I love music (most of the times I just listen to songs in Spanish) and reading, its a way for me to get away for a bit and just think things out.

    As a reader I enjoy a lot the books that are informative (my favorites since I was a kid where the Harry Potter books) but to be honest I just be reading any kind of book, I always try to follow the saying “never judge a book by its cover” and it really works out most of the time. Sometimes when English is not your first language reading can become very difficult, and I think that’s why not many immigrants read as much, but for me reading is a very good way to challenge yourself and experience new things, also is one of the best ways to learn another language. As a writer sometimes I just write for myself, things that I just be thinking or just that I want to reflect more about, and this have helped me a lot, and more in those times where I just want to clear my mind and thoughts.

    • Alexxa Cornejo

      I think it’s great that you use music and reading as a way to escape reality. Do you have any recommendations?

      • Yaheidy Rodriguez

        Most of the time I listen to Spanish artists, like Feid (I really recommend him), Rauw Alejandro, Myke Towers, Bad Bunny. I also listen to corridos, and Banda, it depends what am doing.

  11. Maryann

    My name is Maryann, and I’m majoring in Architecture. I would draw and sketch a lot growing up which is one of the reasons that I chose this major, since it requires a lot of sketching and outline work. There’s a lot more that goes into architecture, like math, but all the work makes up a beautiful structural piece which is very interesting to me. It’s worth seeing the end results. I listen to music everyday. I can’t live without listening to music at all. If I have to do a small task, like doing laundry, I will listen to music. I start and end my day by listening to music. I can listen to a variety of music genres, because I’m open to it all. I also spent most of my time with my family because we’re very close. I enjoy being around them because I feel comfort and warmth. I’m very grateful of having them in my life everyday. 

    I enjoy reading fiction and non fiction writings. I enjoy reading thrillers too. Reading how a character thinks and feels is very interesting to me because it’s like you know the character yourself. It’s like you can put yourself in the characters shoes and feel what they’re feeling. I dislike reading scientific fiction and biographies. I think the reason for that is because I’ve always found it boring. In school my teachers made me read biographies all the time and they never intrigued me. I haven’t tried reading any biographies since then. 

    • Abdul Zeynalov

      Are you in inspired to be an architect due to the beauty around you, or because you do not like what you see and want to make it better

    • Tasnim

      heavy on the last paragraph and about the music!! what type of music do you listen to?

    • Tasnim

      heavy on the last paragraph and about the music!! what type of music do you listen to?

  12. Joshua Gonzaga

    My name is Joshua Gonzaga. My pronouns are he/him. This is my first semester and my major is architecture. The reason that I chose this major was cause this was something that interested me—being able to design structures, buildings, and houses. Being able to diagnose something that is abstract buildings. I am not a reading person. What I like to watch is either action movies or series or horror. I would watch soccer games. What I like to do in my free time is go to the park and play soccer. Sometimes I would go for a run or go out for a walk.

    As a reader and writer, it’s not something that I’m strong in. Something I might be drawn to read would be horror books action books and sports books. Something I might avoid would be history in certain areas. The reason I might be attracted to some books more than others might be because they might interest me more. I might stay away from certain books because I feel like they don’t attract and interest me. What I get from the books I might be able to learn new things.

    • Angel Mendez

      Hey Joshua I’m Angel and I see that we have something in common we both like soccer also we like actions movies, wish you the best and that in the future you’ll be able to design a lot of buildings and houses.

  13. Huimei Liao

    My name is Huimei Liao (she/her) and this is my second semester here at CityTech. I intent to apply for the dental hygiene program. I chose this major because it is a good career. I like to read fiction and like to take pictures of the surroundings around in my free times.  I also like to play badminton. It is the only sport that I like and can play. 

    As a reader, I prefer to read in my first language because it is difficult to read in English. On the other hand, I prefer to write in English as a writer because I hardly know how to write in my first language. I am attracted to novels that can paint images in my brain when it comes to reading and writing. I try to avoid nonfiction as it is hard to understand and not fun compared to fiction. I think I lean because it is more fun when the texts are able to paint images. It makes me build a deeper connection with the text. 

    • Kia

      Same!! I feel the most you can do with non-fiction is to try and put yourself in the shoes of the person the book is about and empathize. Whereas with fiction, there’s so much you can imagine about. Are there any good fictional books you would recommend?

  14. Leslie Guzman

    My name is Leslie Guzman, my pronouns are she/her, I am of Mexican descent, and I’m the youngest of five. My academic interests consist of reading, writing and various types of sciences. I enjoy listening to different types of music and I listen most to Lana del Rey. In my spare time I like watching sitcoms and watching scary movies. 

    As a reader I enjoy reading autobiographies because it’s important to learn from what other people have experienced in their lives and to recognize the similar struggles that many people experience. I’ve grown to like writing with a descriptive narrative because I think that it’s easiest to paint a mental picture of the scene being set. I dislike reading and writing poetry because it just has never been my thing.

  15. savionw

    Hello my name is Savion Wright and im a freshman and the age of 18.My major is finance accounting ,but im not 100 sure if i was persue that specific role but i am interested in the field with business and marketing as well.I enjoy listening to music like rnb hip hop and dancehall.I dont watch a lot of shows or movies because i either fall asleep or im not hooked due to lack of patience.My favorite tv series is south park and i do enjoy old action or comedy movies (2010’s).I love cars and my dream car is a m3 competition g80 .I also enjoy fashion and going to the gym which keeps me productive .

    Ela and I do not get along at all because i dislike reading .I do not read on my freetime at all .Reading and writing are my weaknesses but im pretty well anaylzing the text and finding the authors purpose or message.I find reading boring due to the selection of books ive been reading and that are available to me. The last book and my favorite books i enjoyed was probably james patterson ,diary of wimpy kid ,and goosebump series.I DO NOT LIKE ROMEO AND JULIET AND THE CRUCIBLE or other book no written in modern english language

    • Abdul Zeynalov

      I used to heavily dislike books, what I did to fix that was just look up their summary, it’s about 5 minutes long and you basically read a whole book, and if you find it interesting you can read the whole thing

  16. Nick

    My name is Nick Tungol and my pronouns are he/him. I’m a first-year student majoring in Business and Technology of Fashion as I’ve loved to experiment with clothes since I was young. With the recent growth of clothing production, I’ve thought more about the sociological aspects of clothing and how quickly trends cycle. I hope I can one day be a part of the fashion industry and make an impact on the sustainability of fashion. In my spare time, I enjoy watching and reading horror like anything related to Stephen King. I also like to play video games, sketch art, make jewelry, and listen to shoegaze, post-punk, and electronic music.   

    As a reader and writer, I’m usually drawn toward horror novels and manga like Shunji Ito. Horror has the ability to grip me effortlessly to a point where I must see where it ends. Even if there are aspects of the story I dislike, I’m always excited to see the conclusion. I also love reading fiction that explores philosophy and psychology. It’s fun to evaluate characters and their decisions to further inform what I’m reading. I love to think about why authors write the way they do and what kind of feeling they attempt to convey. I can never get invested in books targeted towards young adults or romance because they have tropes that make the story predictable for me, so I usually avoid reading them. As a writer, I sometimes journal what I’m thinking or write about something I experienced. I find it helpful to have an outlet where I can read back on my thoughts. 

  17. Alex Lluberes

    Hello everyone! My name is Alex Lluberes and this is my second year of college. I plan to major in computer information systems because I’ve always love using computers since i was 5 years old. Having the knowledge of how computers function and hows its made for about 14 years is a huge achievement for me since i can use my skills once i get my degree.

    Growing up with dominican parents can be a bit stressful, especially if you’re the only one who has spoken the English language. Helping translating and setting up things that involves within technology. Nonetheless, I love being able to use technology to its fullest benefit. My major goal is to work in a hospital doing IT or work in home.

  18. Teahanna

    My name is Teahanna Chandler and this is my first year of college. I chose my major because I wanna help people. I really enjoy reading urban books. I love to listen to r&b music, soft type of music. The type of things I like watching are medical shows, or romance movies etc. In my spare time I work. My pronouns are she/her.

    Im not really a writer to be very honest I hate writing, but reading on the other hand I love to do. I’m drawn to urban reading. The type of writings I’m drawn too is fantasy. I feel as fantasy writings are the best. I lean towards certain text because I feel as if I could relate to it then it works in my favor. I stay away from other text that I can’t relate to because I feel as I would look at it from a bias side.

  19. Kenya Peterson

    My name is Kenya Peterson. My pronouns are She/Her. The major I chose to take as my Bachelor’s degree at City Tech is Science in Nursing. I chose that major because I want to help people and help them get better/ make sure everyone’s healthy. The things I like to do during my free time are watching TV, reading, playing sports, listening to music, and baking. When I’m reading I tend to read biography, autobiography, Novel, Friction, history, true crime, etc. But I mostly read about black justice, innocent black people getting the justice they deserve after being falsely accused of a crime they didn’t commit and having to spend years in jail for it.

    As a reader and writer, I am drawn to biography/autobiography and argumentative writings. For biography /autobiography, I tend to learn more about important famous people and how they lived were they alive and stories about them that nobody really knew about. For argumentative writing in all honestly I like proving people wrong and giving them pointers on why I disagree with them in a mannerly way.

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