Student Posts

Students can create posts to respond to assignments, submit work, and share ideas. Students must create an account on the OpenLab and join this course before they are able to write posts.


Students must give their posts the category directed by the professor. You can select a category on the right (you have to scroll down a bit) on a desktop. For example, this post appears under Discussions.


Students must title their post–this will also be directed by the professor. Usually, a student will have their full name and the assignment in the title. For example, a student might title their post Jessica Penner, Discussion of “How to Read Like a Writer.”


Students must hit “Publish” before other students can read the post! (And so the professor knows the student has turned in the assignment. If they don’t hit publish, they won’t get points.)


Students are encouraged to comment on each other’s posts to facilitate discussion and provide peer-to-peer feedback. Scroll down to see the example comment associated with this post.