Professor Jessica Penner

Reflection #7

This workshop is almost over, but your journey as a college student is just beginning!

As you look back on all the information you’ve been exposed to and the interactions with me, your peer mentors, and your fellow classmates, what is one thing that’s been the most helpful as you progress to your first semester at City Tech? Describe it!


  1. Reese Carmona

    I have learned a lot of beneficial things throughout this course. But I would say that the topic that I valued as “most important” was learning the different websites like black board,openlab, degree works,etc. I was worried prior that I wasn’t going to understand the whole system but now that we went over it, I feel a lot better about those important websites. I also found that learning about the different resources that the college has to offer was important too.

    • Jason Birchfield

      Oh, yea definitely. When I was first starting, I didn’t have anyone to help me with that stuff. It took me an entire two semesters to even open up degree works!

  2. Madeline Canales

    One thing I’ve found very helpful is learning more about Blackboard and knowing that’s where I can access my grades and further supplies professors expect students to have such as textbooks. Also the writing center and different places I can study or if need a space to do my homework I know where to go too.

    • Jason Birchfield

      The writing center is definitely helpful if you’re unsure about anything related to your papers. Or just anything about writing in general!

  3. Cindy

    What I found super beneficial was finding out about the writing center, personally I would always be afraid to ask but knowing I’m not the only one and seeing that there is hope motivates me. I also really enjoyed getting to socialize more. Getting to know how to navigate myself through blackboard and OpenLab was also helpful.

    • Jason Birchfield

      Learning to navigate blackboard and OpenLab can be complicated, so it’s good we could help you some!

  4. Cindip

    Something I have found very helpful in this workshop is that I got to have a more deeper understanding of all the websites we will be using in the first year. I feel like this has made me less nervous since I am a little more familiar with how the websites function and how I can use them.

    • Jason Birchfield

      Definitely! Knowing how to use the websites is pretty important for being able to find your homework among other things.

  5. FerddyDuran27

    I found it every helpful that CT101 had helped us prepared for our freshmen year. The most helpful topic to me was when we talked about where to go if we ever need help with anything and we went over all the different offices and places in our college

    • Jason Birchfield

      Some people don’t even know these offices exist! It’s good we could help you utilize them!

  6. kamila garcia

    I feel like this course has provided me with a lot of information for my success at City Tech and I’m grateful for it all. I would say that the information i’ve been carrying with me the most is all the departments and the resources available to me. I know that its ok to ask questions and to look for the help I need from those who are there to support my academic journey at City Tech. Being accepted into city college was exciting because I had gotten into college and felt ready to go into the next chapter of life, but it was also scary because it felt like I was going into it blindly. But now I know I can get support and guidance available to me, I just have to look for it.

    • Jason Birchfield

      While college is much more independent than high school, there definitely is help you can get with most things, so don’t be shy!

  7. kamila garcia

    I feel like this course has provided me with a lot of information for my success at City Tech and I’m grateful for it all. I would say that the information i’ve been carrying with me the most is all the departments and the resources available to me. I know that its ok to ask questions and to look for the help I need from those who are there to support my academic journey at City Tech. Being accepted into city college was exciting because I had gotten into college and felt ready to go into the next chapter of life, but it was also scary because it felt like I was going into it blindly.

  8. Tibisay Liang C

    After, the long time of being apart of this wonderful workshop I have learned and made new friends. This workshop taught me if not now then later. This is a great quote because you learn to do things over time and overcome many difficult.

    • Jason Birchfield

      It’s good you could make some friends here! And exactly, just like you said, you will learn to overcome any difficulties as long as you put in the effort!

  9. Lizzie Quezada

    Throughout my time in this workshop and discussions with my classmates and peer mentors, I’ve learned so much beneficial and important information about college and the great resources available at City Tech. One of the things that have been the most helpful is all of the websites we went over, like Blackboard, cuny first, open lab, etc. Also how we can have access to the Library, tutoring, student counseling center, writing center, financial aid office, and academic advising to name a few. ill be using all of these great resources throughout my time in city tech, which will help make college feel less harsh and stressful than it seems.

    • Jason Birchfield

      It’s good to make use of your resources, so don’t be shy!

  10. Julmide Mentor

    For being a freshman at City tech i was excited but nervous because I didn’t know what to expected nor about certain programs but when I got the email about the City Tech 101 sessions I didn’t know what exactly it was about but I signed up for it anyway and so far it was the best decision because now I’m not nervous anymore and know what’s expected of me as student, now I know how to navigate on the cunyfirst website, know about blackboard/ Openlab. I am grateful that I get to be a part of this program and get to learn about the other wonderful programs City Tech provides.

    • Jason Birchfield

      It’s good to know how to navigate the websites! Now you’ll know how to find your homework, or how to build your own schedule for your second semester!

  11. skylar

    This workshop has taught me many new things that will help prepare me for my first semester in college. One of the most helpful was the little tour of the building. I found information about the writing center the library and how to use open lab and black board was also very helpful. This cleared up lost of confusion so now I feel more prepared for school to start.

    • Jason Birchfield

      It’s a good thing that we could help show you where everything was! I’m glad you’re a little less confused and stressed, and more ready to start your college life!

  12. Adolfo J.

    This workshop was really helpful and I feel more prepared and ready to start my new era as a college student. I learned about blackboard and openlab, I learned more about the services provided here at citytech, i got some pretty good advice about time management and fixing my schedule to add more study hours because it will be necessary. I’m glad I got to join this workshop, there was a lot of information that will be useful in my time here.

    • Jason Birchfield

      I’m glad this class could help you! I wish you luck, and remember to use everything at your disposal so you can do the best you can!

  13. Marleni Jean-Baptiste

    throughout this course, ive learned different places to get help throughout the school year. peer mentors, tutoring, writing center and libraries are good places to get the help i need

    • Jason Birchfield

      Exactly! I’m glad you know a lot of the resources you can use when you’re in need of aid!

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