Professor Jessica Penner

Reflection #6

Think about a time when you joined a new group activity (maybe a team, religious retreat, club, or workplace). 

  • How did you feel when you first joined? 
  • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
  • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?
  • What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech? 


  1. Marleni Jean-Baptiste

    I played basketball my last 2 years of high school.

    1. When I first joined I was anxious and excited because starting something new in life
    2. I remember feeling apart of the group when we won our first game :p
    3. I received more friends, good coaches, more support and more experiences
    4. I can find ways to get involved in city tech
    • Jason Birchfield

      You can definitely find a club to help you get connected! If not, there’s always other opportunities!

  2. FerddyDuran27

    I joined theater club

    1. When i first joined i was really anxious but also really excited at the same time.
    2. I remember feeling part of the group when we first started long rehearsals and also when i got one of the lead roles.
    3. I got more friends and got to experience one of my acting and dancing passions.
    4. im really considering joining Club Tech Theater Works club.
    • Jason Birchfield

      Go for it! My involvement with a club has been pretty fulfilling so far.

  3. Reese Carmona

    I got on varsity volleyball when I was a freshman in High School.

    a. I was incredibly nervous to play with older girls, I was a freshman playing with seniors. It was the most nerve racking thing of my life.

    b. I would say that towards the end of the season when I got more comfortable with the girls is when I started to feel included and part of the team.

    c. I had a lot of self growth in that short amount of time. Being around older girls made me mature and know that I can do things out of my comfort zone in the future.

    d. At City Tech I can include myself in clubs, student government, and study groups to make me really feel involved in the school’s atmosphere.

    • Jason Birchfield

      Stepping out of your comfort zone can be really beneficial, I would pursue any extracurriculars you find interesting at the school!

  4. kamila garcia

    I joined the wrestling team at my high school in my junior year…

    1. i felt really anxious because i never thought i would’ve joined an athletic team much less the wrestling team.
    2. the first time i felt a part of the group and team was during my time at practices. I realized that my teammates weren’t just focused on getting themselves better but they helped me get better and cared about the newcomers just as much as those who had been there for years.
    3. a benefit i gained from being on the team is friendships, memories, a new experience that was way out of my comfort zone and being a part of a winning team!
    4. to be a part of a group or community at city tech i can look for clubs run by students at the school but also look for people to talk to from my classes to make new friends or at least some study buddies.
    • Jason Birchfield

      It’s inspiring to hear how you stepped out of your comfort zone by joining the wrestling team, and it’s great that you found a supportive and caring community among your teammates! I hope you find a club, or something to participate in that you find interesting!

  5. Madeline Canales

    1, I joined varsity softball team my junior year in high school it was really intimidating since you’re playing with different grade levels and it was my first time ever touching a softball I thought I was going to be bad.

    2, Everything we would practice it made me feel more included to everything especially since I was the only pitcher for my senior year I felt like everyone counted on me

    3,Benefits I got from joining this team was earning MVP award and having a lot of opportunities to participate in showcases in different boroughs

    4,What I can do to help feel part of City tech is probably joining clubs

    • Jason Birchfield

      Your journey in varsity softball reflects your fearless approach to challenges, and I’m sure that spirit will translate well to whatever you decide to do at City Tech!

  6. Cindip

    1. In high school I was in yearbook. I was excited and nervous about what people might think of my ideas.
    2. when people started to acknowledge me and talk to me about all the ideas they had I felt more included.
    3. Some benefits I got is I made new friends and I became more confident in the ideas, which later made me want to participate more
    4. Something I might want to do is join a study group or club
    • Jason Birchfield

      Your experience in yearbook underscores the value of sharing ideas and engagement, and I’m eager to see you channel that into potential study groups or clubs at City Tech!

  7. Julmide Mentor

    I joined the track team

    1- I was excited because I thought I was going to be on the Olympics one day

    2- When I won my first race, everyone on the team was cheering for me, it’s was the best feeling ever and that’s when I felt like I was a part of the group.

    3- The benefits that I get from being on tract team is that I exercise everyday and I was started loosing a little bit of weight.

    4- Participating in something that I really like or study group.

    • Jason Birchfield

      The sense of camaraderie you felt after your first win underscores the importance of belonging to a supportive group. I hope you find something that you enjoy at City Tech!

  8. Cindy

    1. I felt anxious yet ready to learn more about my school
    2. I had that moment in todays class!
    3. I got to know the college essentials and prepared myself
    4. Find ways to be involved such as getting used to peers, professors, and staff
    • Jason Birchfield

      That anxiety will go away over time, so don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll find something you can participate in around campus!

  9. Tibisay Liang C

    My first club was cheerleading/step!

    1st joining was so nerve wrecking because I was worried if i fit in or was capable to be on the team.

    2nd was when I would stay late and have so much fun during practice

    3rd By being part of that club, I was able to build confidence, learn to step up for myself and basically learn to be me!

    4th I’m interested in the theatre acts or step! 🙂

    • Jason Birchfield

      I would pursue the theatre acts, or step! It will be extremely beneficial to you, trust me.

  10. skylar

    When I first joined my middle school basketball team I was excited because I had played basketball at my church since I was 3. I felt like I was apart of the group when we won our first game. I learned how to work with new people since I had been playing with the same group of kids my whole life. I can make myself feel like apart of a group at city tech by being open minded to new clubs.

    • Jason Birchfield

      As long as you’re open minded, you can find something to be a part of in this college!

  11. Lizzie Quezada Cepin

    I was a member of the yearbook club my senior year of high school and when I first joined I was very excited because I was able to show my creativity with all the other members in the club, a moment where I felt like I was part of the group was when we all shared out ideas about the graphics and editing, we each would have to make a page and at the end of the week come together to edit them and add more things to make it unique! I got a lot of benefits by participating because it taught me to never be afraid to share my ideas and show my creative side which I always struggled with. A way I can make myself feel part of a group in City Tech would be getting involved more and speaking to others and not being afraid of judgment!

    • Jason Birchfield

      That’s pretty cool! I’m pretty sure you can find something in the same vein at the college, so you should fit in great!

  12. Adolfo J.

    I thought about the time when I joined my dad’s band when I was 13 years old.

    1. When I first joined I didn’t know what to expect and it all happened so fast, I was just excited to play music.
    2. The band consisted of people I knew, some of my dad’s friends. They would support me and teach me many things so they made feel a part of the group.
    3. I got to see many different places and meet a lot of new people. It was also a job because I get paid for every performance.
    4. talking to more people can help me feel like I’m part of a group. Trying new things and being open to the different clubs at city tech.
    • Jason Birchfield

      Wow, that’s really cool! As long as you’re open to it, I’m sure you can find your place in the college!

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