Professor Jessica Penner

Reflection #5

Consider the discussions we had today about mindset. Share a concept you believe is important and explain what the concept means to you as a college student.

Read and comment on another student’s post.


  1. Reese Carmona

    A concept that really stuck out to me is the difference in how you talk to yourself. For example, saying the word “yet” is showing yourself that, that goal or task is going to happen instead of being fixed minded about it. This concept can help in not only school, but life in general this is a great skill to learn for your success in the future. I really enjoyed learning about the growth mindset and how effective it can be.

    • FerddyDuran27

      I strongly agree with Reese because if you tell yourself that u cant do something then u most likely wont be able to do it but if u believe that u cant do something or at least believe that you can learn then theres a higher chance in being able go do it.

      • tee

        Me, Too! You never know and will find out when it happens. It’s like life, a Yet journey LOL.

    • Jason Birchfield

      Exactly, it’s important to give yourself room to grow, doubting your abilities won’t do you any good.

    • Lizzie Quezada Cepin

      Yes! i agree

  2. Tibisay Liang C

    Today’s lesson taught me a lot about the many different concepts there is to use and apply onto certain situations. The concept that stuck out and stayed with me after class was, if the class is hard it’s not that you are dumb or your intellectual level but rather you haven’t learnt nor know enough about it so the lesson is to try and not give up, to continue to push on and learn overcome that difficulty.

    • Jason Birchfield

      Everyone learns at their own pace, remember to be patient with yourself!

  3. Marleni Jean-Baptiste

    A really important concept that stood our to me was the growth mindset. Having a growth mindset is really important because it’ll help you strive in the long run. Not doubting or underestimating yourself will really help you strive throughout the 2-4 years of college. College will be hard but having a growth mindset rather than fixed can make it slightly easier lol!

    • Jason Birchfield

      Definitely! It’s also going to be a lot nicer when you’re focusing on your major-related classes instead of your general-ed ones.

  4. FerddyDuran27

    A concept that really stuck with me was that quote, “ failure is a opportunity to learn” because when fail in something and receive feedback it helps you grow and learn how to better your self.

    • tee

      Ooh! I remember that quote from class, it was also one of mines but on the back of my head so, I’m glad you did comment about it!

    • Jason Birchfield

      Usually, failure is the first step to succeeding!

  5. Madeline Canales

    These different concepts we learned about today prove how one as an individual need to use them to grow into having a growth mindset. The word (Yet) truly has a huge meaning when putting it into a concept which can refer to continuing to the present or having that goal to achieve. In high school, my English teacher would speak so much about growing into a growth mindset because many teens have a fixed mindset which leads them to not achieving their objectives.

    • Reese Carmona

      I really liked how you put the “yet” conversation in your response because I also did too. Having a growth mindset will set you up for more success in the future.

    • Jason Birchfield

      That’s a good professor you had! Make sure to keep those words of advice, they’ll definitely help.

  6. kamila garcia

    I think the concept that stuck out the most to me during class was the fact that you can change how your brain works and make it work better faster and more efficiently for what you work on. Just like the London taxi drivers and the way that the part of their brain which helps with location grew larger because thats the information they retain on a daily. This is important for me to know and i am grateful to have learned this because i know that growth didnt happen over night and it took them a while for them to get that way. It makes me want to push in my daily life be more productive and makes me want to really practice and learn, REALLY learn and retain information in all my classes so that i can change my way of thinking.

    • Jason Birchfield

      I also thought that concept was interesting. You can definitely improve at anything so long as you put your mind to it!

    • Cindip

      I like the example you gave, and I think it’s a great concept to think about.

  7. Cindy

    The most valued concept of mine is to truly convince yourself that you can improve your thinking positively by changing how to react to a certain issue, for example, giving in work on time. As an upcoming college student I can see this encouraging me to do my best even if I turn myself down over how long an assignment is and having the mindset of how it’s never too late to change the way you think is truly beneficial.

    • Jason Birchfield

      I can totally relate to your perspective; believing in the power of positive thinking can make a real difference in tackling challenges and striving for excellence!

  8. Julmide Mentor

    A concept I believe that was important to was take negative feedback as a way better yourself because a lot of time you doing something for example writing a college essay you don’t want to write about your whole life story but still give an overview you will need someone to read you draft and gave their thoughts about it so those critics might be negative but it’s on you to take them as way to growth and put the information that your missing.

    • Jason Birchfield

      Embracing negative feedback is a valuable tool for personal growth, especially when working on tasks like crafting a college essay; it’s essential to utilize criticism constructively to enhance your work!

  9. Cindip

    Something that stuck to me is how changing your view on how you want to deal with challenges can affect how you live your every day life. This can improve my college career since it can help me be more motivated and persistent to overcome any challenges that I will have this upcoming year. Not only that but having a growth mindset will make it more easier to ask peers and teachers for help.

    • Jason Birchfield

      Accepting help is well… helpful! It can be really beneficial to you if you know when and how to ask for help!

  10. Lizzie Quezada Cepin

    A concept that stuck with me after today’s lesson was how the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset plays a big part in how you see your success during college. A growth mindset is a mindset I’ll be using during my academic year as a way to view my hard work as a dedication to myself to get work done, this way I see it more as a positive way to learn and it would make me want to enjoy learning by seeing the growth and change I’ll be developing no matter what type of feedback I’ll be receiving. As a college student, I believe that we should always be open to allowing ourselves to believe that our intelligence can be developed through hard work and lots of trial and error and that failing or finding things very hard is just part of the process of becoming great!

    • Jason Birchfield

      Exactly! You shouldn’t let anything put you down, always look at it as a positive!

  11. skylar

    In todays lesson learning how a fixed mindset can effect your education really stuck out to me. I like to say i have an open mindset but i was able to relate to a lot of the characteristics of a fixed mindset. From “self sabotaging”, or simply doubting myself it can be hard to find motivation when working on very time consuming assignmemnts. Changing how I speak to and about Myself will greatly impact my mindset. By forcing myself to be more confident it will motivate me to be a better student. I plan on being a better student then i was in highschool by not procrastinating. Procrastination is one of the main causes for my school related stress. Eliminationing this stress by starting major assignments a few weeks in advanced will create oppourtunity to learn from and catch my mistakes aswell as obtain more knowledge about the topic.

    • Adolfo J.

      Preach. A lot of changes will have to be made If we all want to be successful. thinking positively about ourselves is a good way to start and is a nice way to stay motivated.

  12. Adolfo J.

    I think the concept about having a growth mindset is better vs having a fixed mindset is very important. I’ve been told to have a growth mindset since middle school and I know I have bad habits that I have to change in order to be successful in college such as procrastination and a low self esteem, I’m honestly worried about the difficulty of the assignments, I know it’s not going to be easy but hopefully I can keep growth mindset and work hard in all my classes and keep it consistently. Throughout high school I would keep my grades up at a passable level and getting to work at the last second and that won’t work for me in college. I think just having good organization and managing my time better will help me out a lot. I’m trying to be optimistic.

    • Jason Birchfield

      I was the same in high school, but now I almost get straight A’s in my classes. I can safely say that college is a lot better suited for me, so maybe it will be like that for you too!

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