Professor Jessica Penner

Reflection #4

Now that you are halfway through the workshop, what questions do you still have about becoming a college student? Ask four questions you would like to have answers to by the end of the City Tech 101 Workshop.


  1. Marleni Jean-Baptiste

    1. What extracurricular activities/clubs does city tech have?
    2. How do I know I got accepted into ASAP?
    3. Is the orientation really from 8:30 to 5:00?
    4. Is it true then when you have to use the bathroom you don’t have to ask lol?
    • Jason Birchfield

      A. You can check the website! There’s a good amount of stuff.

      B. An email should let you know, if it takes a while, then I would follow-up just to see.

      C. I’m not sure about that one. Sorry!

      D. Yep! You can just walk out of the room.

      • skylar

        1) How do you have the energy to write a 20 page report? Are reports actually 20 pages or are people just dramatic?

        2) What are the most expensive textbooks? Are they cheaper to buy online ?

        3) Do students often switch their major?

        4) Do some professors get annoyed when students visit them during office hours ?

        • Marleni Jean-Baptiste

          hey, im also a student ima answer one. i did a 20 page essay for my ap research class senior year and it is definitely not an “energy” thing. you just have to do it. jot down any notes, do a LOT of research and just tell yourself ‘its not a lot just get it done” because it actually isnt really a lot

        • Jason Birchfield

          1. For my major, I didn’t have extremely writing intensive classes. The most I’ve ever written for a paper is about 13 pages.
          2. The most expensive textbooks are generally the biology textbooks, and its mostly cheaper to buy an ebook instead. Unfortunately, the professors force you to buy from websites sometimes, with the book built in, which generally costs more.
          3. I can’t speak for everyone, but I switched my major from radiology technology to emerging media.
          4. If they’re a good professor, they shouldn’t get annoyed.
  2. Julmide Mentor

    1- How can i apply to the CUNY Edge program?

    2- Where do i find the links for Math and Bio prep?

    3- Where do i go when i want to switch my major?

    4- Does all my professors gonna have office hours?

  3. Madeline Canales

    1, How long does the class usually take?

    2, Why is orientation very long?

    3, Do you recommend asynchronous classes?

    4, When do you get your refund checks?

    • Jason Birchfield

      1. It depends on the subject of the class. Usually the classes take 2 hrs. 45 mins., but they can be split across multiple meetings during the week. Generally, math and major specific classes can be longer though, I’ve had a class that was 3 hrs. 20 mins.
      2. They’ve got a lot to talk about I guess!
      3. Asynchronous classes are best when you don’t really have time to a class at a specific time, and you’re familiar with the course material. Generally you’re going to have more work though. For an asynchronous class I took for sociology, I had to write an essay every week, on top of other assignments.
      4. I would ask the financial aid office about that one, sorry!
  4. FerddyDuran27

    1. what do i do if my major isnt on Asap and i dont have the credits Ace?
    2. when do we get the checks for attending this class?
    3. How do i apply to clubs?
    4. Can i still attend school if my financial aid still in process?
    • kevin25valencia

      Hope you got some of these answers during class. In regards to financial aid, your best bet is always to go directly to them in person.

  5. Reese Carmona

    1. If you have bio lecture do you gave to go to the bio labs every time or will your professor tell you have to go only some days?
    2. Where can I access peer mentors in the semester if I need them?
    3. In your opinion, what is the biggest difference between college and high school?
    4. Are the professors office hours in their classroom or a different room?
    • Jason Birchfield

      a. Unfortunately, you have to attend every lab.

      b. You can just email us whenever! Just know it might take a little bit to get a response since we’re probably going to be busy.

      c. The biggest difference is being in charge of your own schedule. Honestly, I love it, but you’ve got to be weary when its time to pick your new classes, or else you might end up with a lot of classes you won’t like.

      d. I can’t speak for all professors, but generally in my experience, they’re in their ‘own’ classroom.

  6. Cindip

    1. what is some advice you would give to us?
    2. what is something you would’ve wanted to be told when starting college?
    3. how do I know if I’m eligible for ASAP?
    4. Are there other websites that you recommend for us to use to help make college easier to transition into?
    • kevin25valencia

      Asap/ACE’s webpage will have a list of eligible majors. I would still contact them through email because sometimes things get updated and it takes a while for it to show up on their site.

    • Jason Birchfield

      a. My advice is, try your hardest, but know when something isn’t right for you. I tried my best to pursue my other major, radiology, but when it came down to it, I really hated it.

      b. I definitely would’ve wanted to be told to set up my schedule ASAP. In my freshman year, I had classes that would go all the way to 9 p.m.!

      c. Check the website!

      d. I would use websites that make it easier to study, such as quizlet. Or watch some youtube videos about other people’s tips!

  7. kamila garcia

    1. When can I get my ID?
    2. What is the difference between all city tech buildings?
    3. Is the social life at city tech made a big thing? What do clubs do?
    4. Can I just walk out the classroom when I need to use the bathroom or do I ask… i know this is so dumb but i seriously don’t know…
    • Jason Birchfield

      a. Sorry, I’m not sure, but the room you get them in is Namm 112, so you might be able to go in and ask.

      b. The difference between the buildings is the majors. Generally, each floor represents a specific major. You can see on the elevator guides if you’re curious!

      c. I’m not too sure what you’re asking, but clubs do all sorts of stuff, it just depends on which club you’re thinking about. I run a game development club, and we do game jams and all other sorts of stuff.

      d. Yep! You can just walk out of the room.

  8. Melissa Gomez

    a. What are some strategies that helped you when you were in college? can we learn them?

    b. What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshman?

    c. How successful are students who apply to the dental hygiene program?

    d. Are class sizes small or large?

    • Jason Birchfield

      a. I don’t really have a set strategy, but time management is extremely important and studying can be made easier using resources online.

      b. A tip is to make sure you use everything you’re given. There’s always something out there for the student to use!

      c. I’m not sure about that one, sorry!

      d. It depends. Usually labs are a lot bigger, so I’m assuming your dental hygiene lab will be much bigger than a lot of the classrooms you can find in the Namm building.

  9. Melissa Gomez

    a. What are some strategies that helped you when you were in college? can we learn them?

    b. What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshman?

    c. How successful are students who apply to the dental hygiene program?

    d. Are class sizes small or large?

  10. Adolfo J.

    Now that you are halfway through the workshop, what questions do you still have about becoming a college student? Ask four questions you would like to have answers to by the end of the City Tech 101 Workshop.

    will I be able to change my major after a year at city tech?

    Why is orientation very long?

    how long are the lines to get our ID’s?

    What is some advice/motivation you would give to us 1st years for starting in the fall?

    • Adolfo J.

      my bad I forgot to delete the question when I was putting my response

    • Jason Birchfield

      a. Yep you can change your major pretty much whenever. I would talk to an advisor first though!

      b. They’ve got a lot to talk about I guess!

      c. In my experience, it was pretty brutal getting my ID, and that was during the first semester out of lockdown. Good luck soldier…

      d. After your general ed credits, you’ll be free to explore your interests, and it won’t be such a slog to go to your classes!

  11. Tibisay Liang C

    1. Was everything I imagined about college really the same after I learnt about it?
    2. How do i apply for a 2nd major?
    3. how should one proceed to transfer colleges?
    4. how can we change majors?
    • Jason Birchfield

      b. I’m not too sure, but an advisor can definitely help with that.

      c. If it’s not another cuny school, I can’t really help, but if it is, it’s pretty easy!

      Transfer Student Hub

      d. You can just change your major online by emailing a change of curriculum to registrar. You should be able to just search the form up on google. I would contact an advisor beforehand to prepare for your new major.

  12. Cindy

    a. How do I talk to an advisor in my major? 

    b. How do I pay for my tuition?

    c. When do I register for English classes?

    d. Are there more strict teachers than flexible ones?

    • kevin25valencia

      How to register for classes will be covered in next week’s lessons. If you have applied for financial aid, your tuition gets paid automatically as long as you’ve done all the necessary paperwork with fafsa/tap/etc. If not, then you have to set up a payment method directly with the school. I would talk to the Registrar and Bursar. If you have absolutely any questions about financial aid, go to the financial aid office to clear it up. In-person is usually faster in my experience.

  13. Lizzie Quezada Cepin

    1. when will our IDs be ready?
    2. How can i get a free metro card? Do i have to be signed into a program in order to get one?
    3. Can i change my schedule during the semester?
    4. Can i drop a class before i start my classes?
    • Jason Birchfield

      a. Sorry, I’m not sure, but the room you get them in is Namm 112, so you might be able to go in and ask.

      b. Unfortunately you do have to be accepted into a program. For incoming students, ASAP is the best way to get a free metro card.

      c. No, unfortunately you can’t change your schedule during a semester, you would have to drop your class if you can’t go to it.

      d. You can drop your classes whenever you want, but if you’re going to do it, do it soon since you will only recieve a full refund before the first day of class (August 25th).

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