Prof. Jessica Penner | LC03 | Fall 2022

Reflection #8

We explored the City Tech website and a significant amount of vocabulary today. How might this information help you as you start your first semester of college at City Tech?


  1. Isabella

    This information will definitely help me to get to figure out my way through the certain next steps that I need to take. It will also help me learn what I need to do early on in my first semester that way I’m more ahead of the game compared to people who do not know.

  2. Shanaya Bartholomew

    The vocabulary that we learned in class today will be very beneficial in the future because it would help me navigate the school and learn what to do and not to do to be a successful student here at City Tech. Academic Alert for example is something that students would be placed on if they fail to meet the college’s minimum GPA standard. This is good to know because I will be motivated to do my best.

  3. Jazilyn

    The vocabulary we learned has helped guide me into knowing where I can find certain programs and where I can ask questions. The vocabulary also helped me understand the exact words for certain processes and what steps you can take to further getting into them. It has also helped me understand what I need to pass which is helpful so that I can stay on top of my work.

    • Madelyn Kelly

      I’m so glad to hear the vocabulary helped you learn something! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Terrisha Karimbocas

    This information will help me with my first year semester at city tech because I understand more how to get around the campus. Also, using the vocabulary that we looked up on the site, u can learn where to get information about the school. And now that I have this information, I can express my desires to learn more with the correct information. This information was helpful because now I know more than I knew in the beginning of the semester. This can be useful information in the future when I have questions.

  5. Phadmanie

    This information will me in my future years in city tech because it would help me navigate the school and learn what to do and not to do to be a successful student here at City Tech.

  6. Rebekah Senat

    This information would help me here at city tech because I get the run down basics on how to navigate around the school and learn and to also become successful.

    • Madelyn Kelly

      Hi Rebekah,

      Totally agree! Keep up the good work!

  7. Christian

    This information will help we gudie to the semester as being a freshmen. A lot of things I have to learn and as well for others and getting use to this new environment.

    • Madelyn Kelly

      Hello Christian!

      It definitely takes time to adjust to the college life, especially as a first-year. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions! Great work!

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