Prof. Jessica Penner | LC03 | Fall 2022

Reflection #2

Review your course syllabi that you’ve gotten from other courses. What does this information tell you about what you should expect at the start of the semester? 

If you do not have any course syllabi available yet, select one of the standard entry-level course syllabi linked below to use while completing this reflection.

Biology 1101

Hospitality Management 1101

Human Services 1102

Math 1190


  1. Shanaya Bartholomew

    My syllabi for my courses include polices, rules and regulations, grading policy, and exam/quiz dates. For example, in my English 1101 course, her syllabus begins with stating the course polices. There is a late paper policy, revision policy, and information about blackboard. Then she continues with assuring us that throughout our course, she will make sure to provide us with respect, and spend quality time with teaching us the material. She then concludes the syllabus with the grade calculation breakdown and the class topics per session. Her thorough execution of the syllabus tells me that the workload will be heavy but doable, and focus and organization is what will be required of me in order to be successful in the course.

  2. Tina Lu

    My syllabi for this semester from my courses tells me what is to be expected for each class. It tells me what the grading policy is and how it’s being determined. It lets me know when exams and quizzes take place throughout the semester. The syllabi also tells me where and when the professors are available if I’m seeking help or have any urgencies.

  3. Isabella Morales

    My syllabi for each of my courses goes over the basics of what a syllabus would usually include such as grade policy, lateness on work, office hours, exam/quiz dates and what materials will be needed for the specific course. Some of my teachers even go as far as stating how they will be teaching us and how to reach out for help if needed.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Yes, office hours are usually on the syllabus which is one way to reach out to the professor. Other ways could be their email or via blackboard sometimes.

  4. Alani Etheridge

    What does this information tell you about what you should expect at the start of the semester? 

    The syllabus provides information about the courses curriculum, grading policies, office hours, and other resources necessary to succeed in the class. It also provides clear direction of the semesters goals and what to do exactly to prepare for labs, homework, classwork and exams. With the information given by the professor it sets the expectation for being present and engaged not only in the class but with the work given, to be prepared and responsible for all assignments and exams, and the resources you have to do so. Such as, ways to contact the teacher for help, links for readings, and other class materials.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Glad that you have an overall understanding of your syllabi in order to succeed in your courses.

  5. Christian

    The syllabi is basically a source that tells you when you have tests, quizzes coming up for the semester. Specific dates of each lesson we might learn and every detail on how each thing is going to be graded. For example the homework is a certain percentage grade then the Tests and quizzes. Test is the highest percentage score and counts more towards your grade. Overall syllabi  is a great source that helps you throughout the semester.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      I’m happy to see that you have an overall understanding of your syllabi and consider it as a source of help to succeed in the course. That’s a great way to look at the syllabus!

  6. Terrisha Karimbocas

    my syllabi is like a map of the course and everything we are going to go through. It gives you the run down or how much each thing u turn in will be worth. It lets you know what you have coming throughout the semester and when so you know who to make time to study and things or that nature. This can be really helpful for somebody like me who has trouble scheduling time for each class and the time I take to study for each one. It makes it really easy which is why it is important to take a look at it so I know what’s ahead.

    • Madelyn Kelly

      Hey Terrisha!

      I’m glad to hear you’re using your syllabi as a guide for your courses and time management. It’s so important to use your syllabi so that you are ahead of the game!

  7. Jazilyn

    My syllabi for each of my courses all speak on similar topics. They each discuss grading policies, expectations, deadlines, and how to contact my professors which I feel is really important especially since there can be a lot of questions and confusion within certain assignments. Some even give instructions on how to log into certain websites which I also think is really helpful.

    • Madelyn Kelly

      Hi Jazilyn,

      The syllabi are definitely a great way to answer some questions that you may have about assignments or deadlines. Especially as a first year, many professors include those log-in instructions to help guide you through what you will need throughout the course of your semester, and even through your other classes as well.

  8. Rebekah Senat

    My syllabi for each of my courses tell me what to expect from each class. It outlines how the grading policy is set. It alerts me when exams and quizzes are planned throughout the semester, as well as when students are late with their work. They also provide office hours where students may attend if they need help with their homework. The syllabus also tells me where and when I may find the instructors if I need help or have a problem.

    • Madelyn Kelly

      Hello Rebekah!

      The course syllabus is the one place you can turn to when you need to contact your professor for questions or concerns. The office hours definitely are useful to know about as well so that you are always able to get your questions answered!

  9. Nellaradhya

    the syllabi for all of my courses goes over the basics of what the semester consist of including grading policy, office hours, exam and quiz dates and what materials will be needed for that course.

    • Madelyn Kelly

      Hi Nellaradhya!

      Exactly, the syllabus is such a useful tool to turn back to whenever you have questions specifically about your course.

  10. Phadmanie

    The syllabus given by my professor provides information about the courses curriculum, grading policies, office hours, and other resources necessary to succeed in the class. It also provides clear direction of the semesters goals and what to do exactly to prepare for labs, homework, classwork and exams. 

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