Review syllabus

Light and the lens:

The purpose of a lens is to gather light rays and form an image behind the lens on the focal plane.

The focal plane of a lensis the plane behind the lens where the image is focused. Cameras place their light sensitive surface on the focal plane

The sensor is the light sensitive part of a digital camera 

Focal length of a lens is the distance from the lens to the focal plane. Focal length determines image magnification. The larger the focal length, the larger the magnification.

Exposure is the action of light hitting the sensor. Determines lightness or darkness of image.

Exposure is controlled  by aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Aperture controls the amount of light and shutter speed controls the length of time light will reach the sensor. ISO determines the sensitivity of the sensor to light. 

Aperture is the size of the opening of the lens. It controls the amount of light reaching the sensor.

Shutter Speed is the amount of time the shutter is open. Shutter speed controls the length of time light will hit the sensor. Usually denoted by fraction of seconds.

ISO is a rating that describes the sensitivity of the sensor to light. The higher the ISO, the more sensitive the sensor is to light. ISO settings will determine exposure settings.     

File Format

JPEG – uses compression that reduces the file size and can be opened by virtually any image viewing or editing software. The compression is lossy, meaning it causes loss of information and quality in the image.

RAW – image contains unprocessed data from the sensor. RAW needs to be converted to common image format.

White Balance

A digital camera’s ability to record an image with accurate color balance is determined by the white balance setting. The decision the camera makes about how the colors in an image, under different types of illumination should be rendered, is determined by white balance.

Auto White Balance (AWB) works well generally in daylight

Use Presets when AWB is inaccurate.

Presets are Daylight, Cloudy, Shade, Tungsten, Fluorescent and Flash

Choose white balance for the type of illumination.

Exposure Modes

Full Auto Mode- Camera sets ISO, White Balance, and exposure.

Doesn’t allow for exposure compensation.

Program Mode- auto exposure, while you set ISO, WB, and exposure compensation

Aperture Priority Mode- You set aperture, camera sets shutter speed

Shutter Priority Mode- You set shutter speed, camera sets aperture

Manual Mode- You set aperture and shutter speed

Scene Modes- preset configurations used for specific shooting conditions


Camera Settings – real life doesn’t have an outline. Exposure triangle lens captures light Aperture,shutter speed, iso

Lab: Hands

Due next class:

Homework 1 Textures

Discussion 1: Finding your voice

Interview with Dawoud Bey

Interview with Carrie Mae Weems – The Kitchen Table series