Prof K Pelka : Tuesday 12:00 - 3:20

Discussion Board 03

Watch video and discuss Bresson’s ideas on how compositional elements can come together in a decisive moment

In the video, Bresson talks about how compositional elements are a visual pleasure for him, and how these help him capture decisive moments throughout his daily life.  For him, photography is like a different way of drawing in which you can’t recreate an exact same scene because as he said, “life is fluid and some pictures will disappear”. That’s why he tries to always create and capture pictures that have a meaning behind it with strong relations of shapes using different elements that appear in the frame as well as having some kind of structure, so that the photo has some recognition of order inside it.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    Good description of what’s important to Bresson. Every photo is an instant drawing. Some are sketches and lead to the finished photo by working the subject and paying attention to composition and framing

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