Prof K Pelka : Tuesday 12:00 - 3:20

Discussion 2

Mike Browne emphasizes the importance of changing your angle when capturing your subject because it can change the entire photo. For example if you want to take a portrait you can be far from the subject or close to the subject and in either shot you notice how the background changes and can see what you like in the photo or what you don’t. Then you can take it horizontal or vertical and from there determine which way you like it better and what you want in the background. He explains the importance of practicing techniques and how taking multiple photos can help you decide what you want your photo to capture. I also really like his quote “If you change the way you look at something, the thing you’re looking at changes.” You aren’t changing your subject, you’re changing how your subject is perceived. I think that is something that can be implemented in everyday life not just photography.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    good ideas about working subject

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