Photographing a place

Find a place or places you may find visually interesting

  1. Shoot 36 photos in the place you choose. Try shooting at different times of day. Try using a wide range of approaches using different framing and angles of view. Experiment with light and shadow, color, composition. These photos can be a depiction of the place or your visual response to what you see when you walk around. These photos are due March 14 Uploaded to flickr Album HW5
  2. On March 14 we will look at your photos and further develop your theme for the project
  3. Due March 21, 36 photos on your theme Uploaded to Flickr Album HW6
  4. From all the photos you shot, choose the 10 best, edit and submit. Upload to flickr in Album Midterm project
  5. Final Midterm project are due March 28, which you will present to the class

It is extremely important you keep to the shooting schedule for 2 reasons.

  1. Shooting and reshooting will produce a more successful group of images.
  2. Meeting the shooting schedule is part of your grade for the project

No animals, cars, sunsets, flowers, portraits, bridges
