When photographing with a camera for shallow depth of field:

  • Use Aperture Priority or Av and set the camera to the widest aperture (lowest number.)
  • Use the telephoto end of your lens (zoom in.) 
  • Get close to the subject
  • Allow some distance between the subject and the background. There must be space between the foreground and background of your composition. 

Using shallow depth of field

4 examples of shallow depth of field where foreground is in focus and background is blurry

4 examples of shallow depth of field where background is in focus and foreground is blurry


2 examples of scale where there is one object close to camera and other objects farther away

2 examples of using angle of view to to show depth

2 examples of converging leading lines creating linear perspective

Upload all photos to Flickr in album labeled shallow depth of field

Post best image from each of above (5 total ) to open lab in student posts/Lab9