Watch videos before doing the rest of the homework

Walk around during the day find 4 different scenes, or subjects you find visually interesting.


Working the subject: For each of the 4, shoot what you feel looks good in the frame, then shoot again using 2 different angles of view. Then move in closer and change your position in relation to subject and shoot 2 different angles of view

Shot list for each of the scenes or subjects:

  • First shoot what you think looks good
  • shoot again using 2 different angles of view
  • don’t forget to experiment with vertical and horizontal camera orientation
  • move closer and change your position in relation to subject and shoot 2 different angles of view
  • Total 5 photos per subject or scene

Total for working the subject = 20 photos

Part B

Next shoot 3 examples of rule of thirds with subject in different quadrants using horizontal format

Next shoot 2 examples of frame within a frame

Total photos for Part A and Part B = 25 photos

Upload to Flickr in albumlabeled HW2 PartA and HW2 PartB and choose best 2 for the group

Do not photograph cars , animals, babies, fire hydrants,

sunsets, flowers, bridges over water although a part of a bridge is ok

Make sure to label the photos in Flickr