Each station has a different lighting setup

Working in groups, arrange selected objects at a station

  • Each member of the group must shoot their own photos
  • Shoot 8 photos – Pay attention to framing , composition and negative space. Need at least 1 close up
  • The station with overhead light has part A and Part B as demonstrated(6 photos forA and8 photos for B )
  • When all members of group are finished at a station , move to another station and repeat

Camera set up:

  • Manual exposure mode
  • ISO 100
  • Shutter speed. 1/125
  • White balance. daylight or flash
  • need light meter for exposure ( adjust Aperture)

After shooting one exposure check histogram and adjust exposure if necessary

Shoot 8 photos for each station (except overhead light station) and repeat for each station

Upload the 36 photos to flickr and best 1 from each station to open lab. Lab10 in student posts