Both water and glass will produce direct reflections. Fortunately they are transparent. To avoid direct reflection, a diffused light source is placed behind the transparent material.
Working in groups with the strobe light from behind:
- one student pours water, one student photographs and if you choose one student holds glass and one student can add a color gel to the light
- You must stay at your station with your group
- Pay attention to framing and composition
- Generally vertical framing works best for this subject but horizontal can work if you pay attention to composition and eliminate distracting details
- When shooting, camera needs to focus for each shot. As the water is being poured you will be tempted to shoot continually but the camera needs to focus for each shot
- Also you need to let the strobe recycle ( about 2 seconds ) You will hear a beep when ready. You won’t get the proper exposure if not fully charged.
- Experiment with arrangements, compositions, color
Each student should have at least 20 photos not 20 per group. You should have 8 different compositions.
Upload to Flickr and post your best 2and why you chose each to Open lab Lab 6 in student posts .
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