Prof K Pelka : Tuesday 12:00 - 3:20

Discussion 1

1.Discuss how Dawoud Bey approaches the idea of using photography as a way of finding his voice. Describe one of his projects and the impact he sought to create with that project.

Dawoud Bay uses photography as a way of finding his voice by capturing moments of colored peoples daily life in hopes to change the world by showing that they’re human as well and struggle just as much as the next person. The pictures Bay takes hope to go against the prejudice view society has on color people and evoke enough thought and or emotions to look more in depth in people and to go beneath the surface and not trust the superficial judgement society has made/shaped around a group of people.

2. Discuss how Carrie Mae Weems uses photography to find her voice.Describe the kitchen table project and the impact that she sought to create with the project.

Carrie Mae Weems uses photography to find her voice by expressing what life is like from a day to day stand point as a woman. She didn’t stage an upbeat photo shoot at a beach or arcade, she chose to photograph what life is like in her home utilizing her kitchen/dining room and a singular light source. It allowed her free rein to capture specific emotions, thoughts and actions. Her “The Kitchen Table Project” not only brought light onto what women go through but to use her voice to try to change society. Weems states her project was to show “the battle between the sexes,” “how do we begin to alter the domestic space” and “the social dynamics between men and women” and now knowing what it is about evokes more thoughts when I look at this project.

How can you find your own voice ?

I think people can find their voice through many different mediums it’s all about what sticks or feels comfortable to them. You can write, sing, dance, film, photograph, paint etc the list goes on and on. Finding your voice is something that takes trial and error but you’re bound to find something that works for you.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    Good comments about the photographers finding their voice to challenge stereotypes

    Like your confidence in trial and error to find your voice. Creativity and finding your voice is 80% discipline

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