Author Archives: Andrew Di Lapi

BoByBot (12/11/14)

Objective: Creating the shield for our robot. Materials: Computers, makerbot, pliers, robot, smart phone. Methods: We are using the makerbot software to make/design a shield for our robot. Data:  Results: Were still working with the makerbot software, our shield should … Continue reading

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BoByBot 12/9/14

Objective: To measure our robots length and width, so we can figure out the size for the shield our robot is going to have. We are also going to start making the shield for BoByBot. Materials: The chassis,  3 wheels, screw drivers, … Continue reading

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BoByBot (12/4/14)

Objective: Today we are testing out our robot again and seeing if after we fixed the controls, our robot will move better and more foward, without any issues. Materials:  The chassis, 3 wheels, screw drivers, cables, wire cutters, arduino/bread board, the motor, … Continue reading

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BoByBot (12/2/14)

Objective: We shall be testing out our robot. (BoByBot) Materials: Bread/Arduino board, screw drivers, pliers, chassis, 3 wheels, batteries and an android smart phone. Methods: We connected everything together. (Bread/Ardunio board, wheels to the chassis). All so we could test it our robot. … Continue reading

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BoByBot (11/25/14)

Objective: We got are chassis today. We are trying to connect the breadboard, ardunio boards to the chassis. And also try an test out the motor, to see if it works. Materials: The chassis, screw drivers, cables, wire cutters, arduino/bread boards, the … Continue reading

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Dog sound recorder.

My idea for a final project is to build device that plays back my voice to my dog. Imagine giving your dog commands without actually speaking, i want to see if this is could be possible. (Via recording device). This … Continue reading

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Lab Report Andre/Andrew/Matthew

Title: Making an arduino board using actuators, resistors and controllers. By connecting all the wires, and twisting the knob both clock and counterclockwise. 10/2/14 Started at 10:25am. Objective: Making an arduino board using actuators, resistors and controllers. Making sure that … Continue reading

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Blackberry Phone Examination.

Objective: Was to examine the phone by looking at and examine both the inside and outside, and writing down information about it, ex, what each button was used for. We looked at a blackberry phone and analyzed what it looks … Continue reading

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