Journal 8: Stardate 10.19.2012

So I went to Chris Stapleton’s live presentation in the college on thursday, very enlightening I must say. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to stay for the entire hour presentation but I did manage to see most of his stuff. His works that infused virtual reality with actual reality or as he put it “mixed reality” was very interesting, especially his virtual reality museum concept. However, I felt that his presentation was sort of lacking in content; this is probably due to the fact that I had to leave 20 minutes before the presentation ended because of another class but I digress. I really wish he went into detail for some of his projects

Fun Fact:

There is an actor named Chris Stapleton which surprised me when I google’d him since it gave me the impression that the designer Chris was secretly acting on the side.

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3 Responses to Journal 8: Stardate 10.19.2012

  1. kimyoonshik says:

    I searched him and saw the actor’s IMDB page first, too. lol

  2. Gabby B. says:

    If you had stayed for the duration you would have felt like he needed to say more, anyway. Not that it lacked content, but that you wanted to hear him say more. Or at least that’s what Miss Motor Mouth here thinks.

    (Sincerely, Miss Motor Mouth)

  3. Philip Zak says:

    it’s interesting that you saw actor Chris Stapleton when you did a google search. when i did it, i got the musician Chris Stapleton.

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