Author Archives: Mix Masta Papa Pump


We the people form together to make a more perfect union. The AI group of the south continent darklands have agreed to be annexed into the northern Robot Group confederacy. We now from the United States of Autonomous Robots and … Continue reading

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Stardate 11.08.12 Spider Robot proposal

Current members recruited: Myself (David Alvarado) Phillip Zak   So once again, the project I am proposing for the final of this class is a walking spider-like robot. In my earlier posts, I had posted things such as designs to … Continue reading

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Journal 8: Stardate 10.19.2012

So I went to Chris Stapleton’s live presentation in the college on thursday, very enlightening I must say. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to stay for the entire hour presentation but I did manage to see most of his stuff. His works that … Continue reading

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Journal 7: Stardate 10.11.2012

By looking at the modules on the tinker kit website, I’ve found what I needed. For my robot project I proposed, obviously I’ll need servo motors. The micro servo motor might serve me better but that’s just a thought. An … Continue reading

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Journal 6: Stardate 10.08.2012

So this one was a little hard to do since for this assignment I chose to look for the Spanish speaking forums and they aren’t as numerous as others. I was successful in finding something however. Here’s a video of a guy … Continue reading

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The long awaited video

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Journal Entry 5: Stardate 09.30.2012

Since I was unfortunately unable to go to maker faire in person, I spent the entirety of yesterday and today watching the livestream of the big names having their conferences in the auditorium. I have to say it was the … Continue reading

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Journal 4: Stardate 09.20.2012

Captain’s Log: So I was checking out the Maker Faire and a project I saw that really interested me was this guy whose making a robot with all its pieces being 3D printed except the motors(I’m not really sure). … Continue reading

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Journal 3: Stardate 09.20.2012

So read a bit about Bing Gordon and found his take on games to be interesting. In his mind, he viewed them as learning experiences; something that you could take and apply in life. Learning about things and other people … Continue reading

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Journal 2: Stardate 09.06.2012

I’ve done some more research regarding the spider robot I spoke of in my last post. So far, I’ve deduced what kind of board to use as well as the parts required, power supply(maybe), ad some code to work off … Continue reading

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