Week 2

I have researched the arduino site and prefer to use the boot-loader to run a sketch onto the arduino board for my project. This site takes you step by step through the process. My script ideally the sketch would take input from user through keypad and output will be given through  LED’s. For example, like using the keys for my name the led assigned to the key “i” should blank and this should repeat for the rest of my name. I want to use the lilly pad, but only have been given the instructions to use an atmega 168 board, but the atmega 168v is a lilypad so through theory I can use the lilypad.
Here is the website for hacking into the bootloader via arduino board

Here is the website for hacking into the bootloader via

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One Response to Week 2

  1. Also think about the Leonardo (if you haven’t seen it already): http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardLeonardo one of its features is that it shows up as a USB device to begin with. Supposedly. It’s not entirely clear.

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