Week 1 Journal Entry

Hello class! Most of you may already know me from classes we had together last semester but for the new faces, my name is Ahmad Woods and I’m quite obviously and emerging media technology student just like you, well most of you. I have an associate’s degree in computer information technology so I’m quite experience with programming languages such as C++, I’ve done some HMTL web design, Networking, and Photoshop. I’m very passionate about video games and music and I like long walks on the beach. If you can guess by how late I’m submitting this assignment I kind of lazy but honestly I didn’t really have the time to do this assignment until now.
I have some small ideas for what I want to do with arduino in this class although admittedly they are not as ambitious as some of my peers. The arduino board is suitable enough to make a sufficient controller because it has a bunch of analogue and digital pins for inputs so what I want to do as of now is to make an arcade stick controller. The actual building of the housing unit and the programming part has me the most intrigued at this point. I may go with a different project at some point though. I need to look into other things arduino is capable of. Maybe my classmates can give me some inspiration.

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One Response to Week 1 Journal Entry

  1. bluestar says:

    I too have small ideas and high hopes for arduino as well as an associates degree. If you really need some inspiration then I recommend using arduino to do something practical with something practical like a flash light belt buckle or a 3 speed back scratchier with wi-fi.

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