A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Category: Unit 3 (Page 15 of 23)


What I want to teach to my audience which is the next generation is that climate change is real and teach them ways to help prevent it from getting worse than it already is. First, I’ll explain what climate change is, how it is affecting our planet and our everyday life. Then, talk about ways the world can unite and slow global warming. Things that they as individuals can do to stop or slow down climate change for example, stop littering, reduce energy use, plastic and stop wasting so much water. I believe this is a very important topic to teach the next generation because it is the planet, they and their kids will live in. The genre I will use is a report, I chose this genre because I believe if I use evidence to show the audience that climate change is real, they will be more willing to help. A lot of people do not believe something is real unless they have experienced it but also, most people in the world are oblivious to global warming and do not believe in it. I intend to get started by showing graphs of how much the planet has been changing due to global warming throughout the decades also how it affects their individual lives. Another way I intend to get the audience attention is by playing a short clip on climate change. One thing I am a bit worried about is my message not being clear enough and for the audience to misinterpret what I’m trying to convey. In addition, not using the correct words and letting the audience get bored with my project.

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