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Category: Unit 1 (Page 4 of 18)

How to write a meaningful peer response

Jacob Cabrera 9/22/2020

Quote: “Such attitudes and approaches are natural: given how sensitive the act of sharing an essay can be”

Opinion: I feel like this is something I can relate to because back in high school once I had to do peer feedback and the person I got with was emotional so he felt like I was saying things directly to him when I was just trying to tell him things that he could’ve changed or done better.


Quote: “Now consider this: Is it even possible to like the writing that you and your peers have to do for classes? Not always. But, I would argue that you don’t have to like the academic writing your peers share with you (i.e., enjoy it the way I enjoy most any article about the Boston Red Sox) in order to praise what’s working for you as a reader.” 

Opinion: I feel like, in fact, you don’t have to like the subject of the writing to do good but me personally I would do a hundred times better when I had written about something that I was super interested into, it’s just I felt inspired and I felt like I knew what I was talking about.


Quote: “Lili is trying to do just that: engage the reader, point us in a specific direction, and pose a central question that will guide the exploration forward.”

Opinion: This is something that I always try to do like I always want the reader to feel like they are part of the story that way it is like the author says more engaging.


Quote: “ The praise you receive can help you understand what goes on in your readers’ minds”

Opinion: I think this is totally right because you have to learn how to understand criticism and apply those advice in your next project

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