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Author: nicholas solis (Page 2 of 5)


Fewer students are going to college. Here’s why that matters: https://www.npr.org/2019/12/16/787909495/fewer-students-are-going-to-college-heres-why-that-matters#:~:text=This%20fall%2C%20there%20were%20nearly,tracks%20college%20enrollment%20by%20student.&text=Over%20the%20past%20eight%20years,nationwide%20has%20fallen%20about%2011%25.


In this article by Elissa Nadworny, she talks about how 250 thousand high schools graduates haven’t enrolled into college, because nowadays there are many ways to make money and how the new generation prefers to go to work after graduating and develop a skillset than going to college and paying high amounts of money, and she also addresses how since there is a healthy economy the tuition prices of college are to high that pretty much give people more reasons why not to go to college and work and develop from there, and how another factor that colleges are not paying factor too is that they are focusing too much on high school graduates and they forget that there are adults that are interested into going to college but they don’t know where to go since college are not looking for them and helping adults be interested to go back to college and learn.


I chose this article because it demonstrates how a large amount of students are not attending to college and It gives the reason why many students are not currently attending to college and one of them is that, most people decide to ditch college and go straight to work to develop a skill that would help them get a better job and since before covid the economy was doing good there was many jobs for people to apply and work and some of them payed good, in fact the article addresses this topic.” As the economy gets better, unemployment goes down — it’s currently at 3.5 % — and more people leave college, or postpone it, and head to work.”. this small piece of the article gives me a solid response to my question because it shows how students are actually preferring work over college and show how the new generation are mostly focus on generating money and learning work skillsets than going to college, which is good for them personally because they earn skills and money at a young age but the problems comes in the future when there is not enough of doctors, scientist, engineers, to do specialized jobs that we would need people with specialized knowledge.


Another piece of this article that gave me an insight for an answer for my question is. “A strong economy and soaring college costs have made it even more difficult for colleges to persuade students to enroll. And yet, employers still need skilled workers, whether it’s a profession that requires a four-year degree, other jobs that require an associate degree, or skills or trades that need certificates or credentials. If fewer people are getting those credentials, those jobs often sit empty.”. this piece of the article has a big impact on my question since it addresses how eventually we would run short of people with profession, because the high prices of college and the many jobs that don’t require a diploma are making people not think into enrolling into college since     it would technically would be a smart move for them financially which is what most people want to be which is financially stable, which like I said before is a good personal decision but is going to affect us over time since we won’t have specialized personnel to fill jobs that require people with a specific type of knowledge.

Is the young generation choosing money over knowledge?

Are young people not attending to college or drop out college because there are other ways to generate a lot of money without having 9 to 5 job, what are going to be the consequences in the future since not as much as people in our generation are seeking to graduate college and get a phd?


KNOW: currently there are many ways someone could generate a serious amount of money could be becoming a social media influencer, youtuber, forex trader, real estate wholesaling, etc. These are couple of ways were people are making serious amount of money, which makes most people in our generation is it really worth going in debt for college and win the same or in some instances less than people without a title, this is a question most of teenagers now ask themselves when deciding to go to college, this could be a good decision personally and would help you generate money but at the same time people need a doctor, a lawyer, physicians, scientists, etc. For us to evolve and move forward which makes me think what would be of our world since less and less people are going to college since there are many ways to make money and now in the world we currently live in for us to live a normal life we would have to generate a thousand or more a week to just survive.


WANT: I would want to know polls from high school graduates about what they decided they future is going to be, I wasn’t to know if most people decided to ditch college to pursue a hobby or something that they want to practice that would generate money or if they just want to go to straight work to generate money to start their dream business, I would want to know what are the plans of people that are going to college I want to know what are they planning after college, I would want to know if there is a lack of doctor or nurses that happened during the pandemic or shortage of doctors, I  would want to know if we are heading towards the right direction or if we are doing something wrong we are doing.






LEARNED: I learned from the articles I read that so far we are fine there is some slight shortage but is not something to worry about, the problem Is 10 years from now there would be a serious shortage of doctors if our generation dosent produce many physician as we need to satisfy our population, so far we are good but we should really take a consideration in our future if we don’t there could be a serious damage


As a kid I was a very curious kid that did very crazy stuff but from those experiences I got to learn a lot, every kid in the world has their inner explorer in them they always like to find out new stuff that they don’t know about without measuring the consequences , the consequences part is what makes a kid curiosity interesting because they will just do what they want to do without having something in their back of their heads telling no or to have time to analyze the outcomes that his actions could cause, I was one of those kid I did stuff now I ask myself why I did it without thinking, an example of me being very curious that could’ve have lead to a very serious consequence is when I just started to learn how to swim I remember that day like it was yesterday, I was in school on my 3rd grade class and it was time for gym class but this class was no normal gym class, last week the teacher informed that this day we would start going to the schools pool to learn how to swim, at that point I was really nervous because I wanted to learn how to swim and because I didn’t want to drown, so as we started going to the pool there was some people that were bragging about how the know how to swim and how they are going beat us a race swimming and that type of stuff, then we proceeded to change and the teacher started teaching us the basics floating and paddling with our feet and all that basic stuff, after he finished he informed us that the ones that knew how to swim and the ones that didn’t could change and play sports on the soccer or basketball courts, and since most of friends didn’t leave I decided to stay knowing I knew little on how to swim, the teacher told us that we could use beginner boards for us to use for extra help to swim and of course after that all my friends just threw themselves and floated back up like nothing, and at that point I thought how bad could it be and I threw myself in after some friends were cheering me up thinking I could swim, once I drop I couldn’t go back up at that moment I felt so scared and had an urge to survive so at that point everything turned into slow motion and I was thinking the lesson the teachers taught us to swim and remember he said once u fall in a pool u want to go as deep as you can and once you touch the floor go up and that’s what I did and let the board go went as deep as the pool was and go back up and started floating to the edge of the pool and got up safely.

After that happened the following classes I learned how to swim, and felt very proud of myself because I just learned something I didn’t  know how to do which show how curious a kid could be and how extreme they could be which makes them very brave because they do stuff sometimes stuff adult wont even dare do like roller coasters, even up to this day I am a very curious person I like to do and learn new stuff I don’t know, and I feel after the videos which we just saw makes it more clear that is good to be curious and to be yourself, because you learn stuff many people don’t know about and sometimes you could even know change the world by the discoveries you make from your curiosity.

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