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Author: Joel (Page 6 of 7)

Blog post

My experience with various other englishes has been welcoming. Growing up I went to a catholic school so I never learned or spoke other dialects of English besides the most commonly used in a professional manner. When I entered high school I met people my age from different backgrounds & boroughs. I learned slang from all the boroughs besides Staten Island. I always used that dialect of English specific to me which was Brooklyn slang because it was always accepted and commonly used in my school and I learned to love it. Even though other students were from different boroughs we still shared certain slang terms.  My experience has been similar to Lyiscott’s in certain aspects such as a time & place for which dialect I use. However my experience differed because I was never mocked by my mother and she was rather  inquisitive about the slang used today. “This is not a promotion of ignorance this is a linguistic celebration”(Lyiscott). This quote sticks out to me because no matter what dialect you use it isn’t represented through ignorance but rather unification.

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