What are the latest treatments for treating insomnia and how effective are they
A City Tech OpenLab Course Site
The genre I chose to write for my topic was a newspaper. I chose this genre because a newspaper article is very detailed and informative and displays everything in an organized manner. The audience I chose are insomniacs. This particular audience pertains best to my question as they would benefit the most from the information I’d provide. I decided to discuss this particular aspect of my research as it broadens my knowledge on the matter, the aspect on treatment is important to discuss as those who have been recently diagnosed or have been diagnosed can be aware of current professional proper treatment. The purpose of my piece is to educate and inform my audience of recent effective treatment discovered. With this the audience can get the proper help and the recognition they deserve. The topic of insomnia caught my attention because it’s not as recognized as opposed to the other medical conditions that are widely known. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that has various negative impacts on people and the severity of those effects are crucial to gain notoriety. While Insomnia is a curable disorder it has has limited beneficial treatment while also being a direct link to depression and anxiety. My inspiration was myself, during quarantine I believe had acute insomnia due to drastic change in my sleeping schedule. I had difficulty sleeping and always found myself tired and it had a toll on my schoolwork and concentration. I never cultivated myself in the medical field so this topic caught my attention because in my opinion it is overlooked or misunderstood. My choice of genre worked best within its conventions as it is informative and is able to reach a target audience. A newspaper would be the best way to impart my knowledge of insomnia as it can cover all the information about insomnia and treatment. This genre would be the most effective helping my viewers understand my work and learn from it as it is organized and detailed. Science daily is a great online newspaper for information about anything related to science. With this in mind this an adequate outlet for informing insomniacs about my topic. My project is going good as I have decided on a genre with a topic I’m genuinely interested in. My composition is well organized. One thing I wish I could’ve done better before is better preparation with the project so I don’t have to stress about it or rush the project. What I would do differently is gather more information from various websites so that I could capture more perspectives and new information. I intend to begin this project with a summary of the newspaper article I’m currently writing. Beginning with the article I will introduce insomnia and the two most common types of insomnia. I will include images with short sentences under to offer word text and visuals to ensure my audience’s attention. I will explain the negative effects insomnia can have on a person. I also intend on offering statistics regarding insomnia throughout the article so the reader can have a wide array of information and various displays of information.
Reviewer’s memo:
I wrote a newspaper article about recent effective treatment for insomnia because previous beneficial treatment was limited to prescription pills that have little to no effects for insomniacs. I hoped to inform insomniacs on the most recent beneficial treatment that they can look forward to. I want people to take away the notoriety insomnia has gained over the years and CBT being an effective psychological treatment however is very limited. I feel the project is going to go smooth. I laid out a plan that paces myself and executes my goals effectively. I’m proud of how much I learned about insomnia and recent discoveries regarding treatment.
CBT has been proven to be the most effective treatment for insomniacs. Insomnia is a misconceived sleep disorder and to discover an effective treatment is medically revolutionary. The audience I’m trying to reach is those who are suffering with insomnia. With this audience I can inform them on effective treatment they can receive and alternative methods if the treatments aren’t accessible. I intend on writing a newspaper. I chose this genre because I can display all the information I need such as statistics, facts and information about treatment. With the genre being a newspaper I can expand on my topic and cover various subcategories. I intend on getting started by learning the format of a newspaper. With this in mind I can properly construct a professional one. I also intend on learning the structure used in newspapers. Learning the average word count on a newspaper can also broaden my information I’m displaying. With all these key concepts learnt I plan to gather all my information & statistics and put them in a proper format. I’m worried about the average word limit as I don’t want to lose my audience with repetitive information. I want to get my audience’s attention from beginning to end. I’m also worried about the way I go on approaching the project. With all these preparations in mind I have to manage my time properly. My concerns about finishing the project are that: I won’t have any work to do that I genuinely enjoy. This class offers freedom to choose your own topics & allows for enjoyment with every assignment. My final concern is that I’d do bad. I doubt myself a lot and half the time I feel I can do better however, I’m blind when reviewing my own work and recognizing those mistakes that could’ve been fixed.
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