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Author: Javier Arias (Page 7 of 8)

Education Narrative

8th grade, the year where everyone knows what high school they are going and what they are going to do with their lives, while i’m sitting on the stairs starring at the floor listening to the teachers and students. I was to afraid to talk to anyone, I never participated in class and just barely pass any of my exams. From the beginning of first grade to 7th grade i always heard the same thing the teachers told my parents, ” your son is not getting good grades and can get held back”, but i always passed. I had no confidence in myself, that i would eventually not try anymore. A few more months left and i’m off to high school unless i decided not to go. Well that mindset only lasted for a few days, because i did want to go to high school i just didn’t know if i could through it. Its the 2nd semester and the principal is telling us whoever has low grades will go to Cleveland high school which is a place i knew for a fact i did not want to go. I went straight home that day grabbed every piece of crumbled notes and homework and just started studying.  Maybe this is my last opportunity, let me try one last time if i cant well that’s it, those teachers were right all along.

How to read like a writer

In Mike Bunn’s essay it explores how in everything we read and encounter in our daily lives will affect our writing and how we choose how to read or write. we read for information, but the right way to read is to see and notice how the story or article was constructed in order to understand the author purpose and figure how we could use those techniques in our own writing. We usually question everything we do in life, so why when we read we forget to?  Bunn mentions how we should question the author before we start  reading to better understand these choices before we even get to it. We should question what we read to figure out the significance.    Whenever i read i am always confronted by the question to why was it written and how did it impact me so much. Even when reading this article i think about the different techniques i could use such as starting with a quote. everything that i read i don’t just throw it away, i try to use it in my daily life even if its fiction it can always work as an inspiration. A simple text or an essay for college can identify how our friends or even teachers learn from us by the way we write and make our own choices to complete something so simple yet unique or something complex but still has meaning.

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