A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Javier Arias (Page 6 of 8)

Peer Review

1. I liked it when you said, ” However it also put me in situations that made me question my work,” because I think that we all felt that at least once during school and not knowing why the teacher acted with one specific student or a group of students.  You question teaching overall.

2. I got this from your work: You met a teacher who changed your whole view on education, a teacher who made her students not trust her, who made them question their work and not get the help they needed. You might of passed but you will never know the mistakes you did because she choose  to not teach you or help you understand that mistake. You realized that sometimes education isn’t fair to some students but you wont let that bring you down.

3.  I found this part interesting, ” I was glad I proved her wrong and got the grade I deserved,” because even though you knew that she had favorites you did let that discourage you and kept improving in your work.

4. I was confused here: I was not confused when I was reading your essay.\

5. I wanted to know how the guys in that class reacted when they found out about the teachers favoritism or if they realized that there was favoritism in that class. Did the girls even care about the unfairness in your English class or were they just happy they got a good grade?

One quote that stands out to me is, “Education has always been the stepping stone for setting the young generation with knowledge.” this idea of how education is supposed to be was completely shifted in your essay and how you realized that but kept on moving forward.


3 ways to speak english

I grew up speaking Spanish with my family and learned English at school. I usually had a hard time speaking English cause i was so used to speaking Spanish at home that when i am speaking English with my teachers or friends I would sometimes mix both languages together, thinking i’m speaking normally, because for me it has become normal in my daily life. Now my teachers have trouble understanding me sometimes, but my friends understand me perfectly or they would sometimes help me out. I like how Amy Tan that to her, her mother’s  is perfectly clear and natural. its the English she  grew up with, her unique way of speaking, some thing all of us have gone through and its not wrong its our own way on how we express ourselves.

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