A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Javier Arias (Page 5 of 8)

TOPIC: “Why are comics still popular?”

KNOW: The fact that comics aren’t just for kids, they try to reach other age groups and talk about our society or our history. It seems as if we can relate even more with comics, it deals with real issues that all of us have gone through at least once in our lives but instead of just reading it you see it spread out on every page. Another thing is how old comics have been made into movies increasing their popularity making new fans want to know how it all started or where did it start. You have movies or tv shows like Lucifer, Snowpiercer, Logan, The Boys, and Joker, all of which started as a comic.


Why do some people consider that comics are only for kids or don’t consider them as literature?

Why can’t schools use comics in their teachings?

LEARNED:  As the movie franchises got bigger, introducing terms like “cinematic universe” to viewers’ lexicons, they got more colorful too, and introduced deep-cut characters and more complex stories. Independent comic companies tend to be even better at reaching out to minority or  under-served audiences, even if they don’t always sell as much as the big two.




a talk to teachers

A quote from the article that made me feel curious was, “If he lives in one of those housing projects of which everyone in New York is so proud, he has at the front door, if not closer, the pimps, the whores, the junkies in a word, the danger of life in the ghetto. And the child knows this, though he doesn’t know why.” If you look closely it talks about conscious and self awareness and the difference between a child and an adult’s mindset. To be conscious is that the child is exposed to a dangerous environment, they know they have to avoid it but they don’t know why, they are not self-aware, so they keep on asking questions. They are willing to explore everything and anything to get the answer unlike an adult who feels like there is no need to ask questions is more likely to fall. A child should be given the opportunity to explore their environment and not be limited to one thing. Education should teach students to be independent, so they can make their own choices and figure out what is right or wrong and then build up on that idea or belief while exploring other ideas. If they are not given this opportunity eventually they will follow other people without knowing where it will lead and will get stuck in that one place.

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