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Author: Javier Arias (Page 3 of 8)

New Genre

In unit 2 I did research on the creativity in comics compared to the creativity in movies and why it is important have knowledge of your topic before you create something. I based it of an article, video, report and a book to support my topic, which was if comic based movies should stay faithful to their original comic.  My audience would be film critics and film makers, so I was thinking that my genre would be a video, which makes more sense to me.

Source Entry #4

Livingston, Paisley. “Creativity.” Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald M. Borchert, 2nd ed., vol. 2, Macmillan Reference USA, 2006, pp. 589-591. Gale eBookshttps://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3446800448/GVRL?u=cuny_nytc&sid=GVRL&xid=b7282107. Accessed 22 Oct. 2020.


Creativity is a way of living life that embraces originality and makes unique connections between seemingly disparate ideas and its largely based on inspiration. It is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions. The article talks about understanding and telling the difference between creativity and creation and also different types of creativity such as historical and psychological creativity. If something that was never thought of or invented before in human history than that’s historically creative. Psychology creative is when you make creative acts that may replicate to previous experiments or inventions. It also goes through the basic structure of the creative process that we as people go through even though there are a lot of controversies to how it starts or what is considered as creativity.


The reason why I chose this article is that all of our acts in creativity, no matter what it is, always starts with what we experience in our daily lives. Something that we see, that brings us inspiration no matter if its psychological  creativity or historical creativity. Comics were important to people’s lives and the creativity that each director used was inspired by that specific book. You see the different styles and imagery they use in order to convey there messages. But in order to have someone feel your creativity, you have to make this film give them the experience they felt when reading, something that is difficult to replicate in films, because you can’t put all that information in a two hour film. But there are a few that have managed because they understand the book, they understand the character. If you have no knowledge of your topic how are you supposed to create something that will invoke creativity. You cant just base a movie on something with knowledge from the original version.


“Creative acts are valued positively because they are intended to, and have the potential to, satisfy actual human needs and desires”



Source Entry #3



A director who decided to tell a new story about this book, making it his own creation and trying to beat the original trilogy by not repeating the same mistakes the other movies did. This remake only happened because Sam Raimi pulled out of Spider-Man 4 because he felt he couldn’t make its summer release date and keep the film’s creative integrity. But instead of this series being something new it ended up copying the first movie, without any uplifting characters and storylines that are meant to be a big deal in the movie but are brushed off as if it was never written. The director tried to do something new by bringing up Peter’s parents, but this storyline was never famous in the comics, so it just made the movie more confusing to understand. It never figured out how to integrate this new building block with the pieces already in place. Every scene that was supposed to cause drama just felt bland because the characters weren’t compelling enough.


The reason why I agree with this article is because there is a difference between creativity and originality vs just copying the previous films which seemed as if they weren’t inspired and this movie was only made as a cash grab. How is the audience supposed to be excited for this film when the film didn’t take the character seriously. They tried a new style in this movie, but it just didn’t seem as Spiderman movie, Peter’s character was changed and he was no longer relatable, the only good thing about this movie was the relationship between Peter and Gwen, but that was ruined in the second one. The Amazing Spider-Man also made adjustments to Spider-Man’s very familiar origin story but, once again, the changes fall flat. Peter Parker’s motivation for becoming Spider Man feels out of character, Uncle Ben’s death is entirely avoidable and the twist that only Peter could’ve developed powers from the Spider bite removes the everyman quality that defines Spider Man in the comic books. Spider-Man Homecoming and Far From Home does exactly the same with Peter’s Stark connections and, in both cases, Spider-Man is made far less relatable. You can no longer connect with this character like you did in the comics because his whole origin was completely changed in order to make it modern or more compelling but instead you’re just not invested in this character anymore.


“This franchise didn’t tell a great story, but it was one hell of a cautionary tale.”


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