A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Javier Arias (Page 2 of 8)

Artist’s Statement

For this project, my topic is how can comic based movies capture the creativity that has been shown in its original content. A lot of people especially film makers don’t know how can a one hour and thirty minute movie is supposed to capture your attention that was based on a comic book, a comic book that has a tons of issues and storylines that have changed throughout the years or sometimes it just doesn’t have any words. The art itself hooks you in and you understand what is happening just by looking at it. How are you supposed to get someone invested in your film and how can you make them feel curious the same way they felt when reading these comics? Well you start of like everyone who tries to come up with an idea, you start wondering what made this comic so popular, how or why did the other come up with this story, what is so interesting about these characters and what was happening in the world, did it have any impact on the story? After that you start your research, you start getting creative and wondering how you are going to make it, how you are going to rip these pages out of the book and put it on a screen. I think the best way to reach out to my audience is by making a video, something that film makers and film critics might feel that it is more engaging since they are just watching something. It would be like a 4-minute film explaining and showing creativity. For me this was the best way to get to my point because it is visual and it is also similar to my topic, since it is based on movies, so it can be easier to understand. It will not seem to bland or boring and I feel that film makers or film critics do not have the time to read an article. I have always been curious into knowing more about comics, so it is satisfying when it is turned in to a film, but it can also make you feel dissatisfied if it done wrong. I feel confident in my project and I will not only record my voice, but I will also show a few pictures that will support my topic and spread my message that I am trying to expand. It will free up and open a film maker to more innovative idea while also teaching film critics to try to research more about the topic before giving their opinion. I sometimes try to stay away from reviews because I would always see these movies have a bad rating but so many people enjoyed it and appreciated. Sometimes these criticisms can damage the film when it is actually trying something new and succeeded on showing it.

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