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Author: Genesis (Page 7 of 12)

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Choices-In-Schools, Healthy Food. “Cooking with Kids in Schools: Why It Is Important.” Healthy Food Choices in Schools, 13 June 2019, healthy-food-choices-in-schools.extension.org/cooking-with-kids-in-schools-why-it-is-important/.

The blog written by Healthy Food Choices In Schools illustrates the main points on how cooking is beneficial for students to learn . It was first demonstrated on a survey on how older children have gained knowledge of skills and have the ability to make their own meals .  But the younger ones consume foods differently . The writer’s intentions are to obtain younger children into learning cooking skills early to learn healthier eating habits . The benefits of cooking will be using senses , communication ,  and using real life skills . What is being taught which are guaranteed as a benefit is the use senses which are known as smell , touch, and taste  . The activities are kneading , tossing , pouring ,cutting , and feeling food.  The main benefit for Younger Children is communication  , It is one of the important skills everyone needs to obtain . Students who are learning to cook in schools will gain social skills by working together in the kitchen . This can happen if they are working to accomplish a dish that needs to be due on time ! Another benefit will be the use of real life skills , Younger kids will bring along math skills in the kitchen by counting , weighing , measuring ,and tracking time . This demonstrates that cooking has math content as well !  Science is also mentioned as an outcome of real life skills for the reason nutrition will be understood as students prepare food !

I agree to the blog because it recognizes the use of cooking classes . The quote ” Children learn lifetime skills through practicing basic math skills such as counting, weighing, measuring, tracking time; they also gain social skills by working together and communicating in the kitchen ” informs us that what we have been taught in school will be useful in the cooking journey . It should not be considered only as ” Hands On ” , They are many more math skills in cooking .  One of the questions I have is how science is a major part of cooking ?  Science teaches us about nutrition ,  Is sanitation in the kitchen part of science ?  I feel that this is another thing to look for because the only thing I know from sanitation is that foods can not contain any pathogens because it can lead to a person getting sick .  If I could say something to the author would be to be more precise on how these skills are what schools should remain to use ?  This document gives me more information on how beneficial it is to learn cooking in schools by stating real life skills and can lead to a healthier life .  The author’s writing style , awareness of audience , purpose and choice affects the meaning and credibility because of it’s need to add more expression into the subject .

Quotes : ” Cooking in schools can build positive memories that promote future healthy, enjoyable cooking elsewhere. ” I agree on the most . The skills be taught can lead you to many opportunities outside of school such as actual kitchens . Or A special focus on pursing a culinary arts or pastry degree in the future at a special school .


Why Schools Should Bring Back Home Economics Classes !

Education is a big part of or lives . What we learn from it makes us know better. Remember how we started learning how to read , write , or do math ? Who Taught us these basic skills ? Our teachers and staff from the school we first attended in the beginning of our academic life . Personally , I appreciate educators for everything they have taught us like History , English , Science , and Math . As I grew older , I thought to myself why learn about History or Science . These subjects won’t be needed later on at the time I form my own life . When all of us can learn about Home Economics Skills . These courses teach us valuable skills we will always need in our lives . Now here’s my question Why Schools Should Bring Back Home Economics Classes ?  In this task I will give you every reasons they should be back ! I am interested in this education because students should learn how to complete tasks that will be used in their lives forever once they own a house and have their own family .  Courses being taught cooking and baking . Everything  a Home Economics teacher prepares us for is to construct our own confidence . This would also relate to my life because my father owns 3 restaurants , Who knows this could even make me decide If I want to pursue a culinary arts , pastry arts or Hospitality Management career .  My dream was to gain more knowledge about the kitchen even if it has to be both !  Ever since a young age , I became fascinated of the idea which involve these subjects . If I ever took this in any school I will be happy knowing that I learned the basic terminology of being in the kitchen . In addition , These courses would be a break from academics due to constant assignments due on the daily ! Home Economics are more hands on activity courses , It is not like a basic class you would be taking . In my freshman year I would  constantly hear my teachers talking about how fun taking these classes were in the different era’s but now we don’t get the chance to learn about it . But she did tell us that we were going to be taught a regular economics class in the future but it is not the same . I am expecting to find sources from newspapers or books that recall about how these courses were like , how students felt about it and Why it all stopped . 

Topic Chosen : Why don’t all schools offer culinary and pastry courses ? + Notes

Education has taught as things like science , math , and reading throughout our academic life . Ever since I was a little girl my dream was to learn how to bake and learn a bit more about culinary . Part of me does not know why I am curious about it but why not try to express it . In the photos below are what I know about each subject , It’s role and how they function . Some research I did while surfing the internet and Things I learned in the process .


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