A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Genesis (Page 4 of 12)

Spoilers Of ” Annoying Ways People Use Sources “

  1. I learned from the reading the common improvements writers can make towards their pieces !  One of the quotes ” The Fix is the same: in the majority of situations, readers appreciate being guided to and led away from a quotation by the writer doing the quoting. Readers get a sense of pleasure from the safe flow of hearing how to read an upcoming quotation, reading it, and then being told one way to interpret it. Prepare, quote, analyze. ” I mentioned above that there can be situations where starting a paragraph with a quotation can have a strong effect ” The comment I have towards this quote is that I agree with it because sometimes we feel so rushed when writing a piece we forget to structure it well ! It will play a stronger effect to whoever is reading and will be able to see what you are trying to point out . Without feeling any confusion and question the value of the quote itself .
  2.  One of the Quotables I used in Unit 2 is ” There some things that we learn in school that we never forget ”  said by Hugh Acheson  brings a touching message of the outcomes of Home Economics Courses . When being taught Home Economics in schools as an elective , Students will learn the basics of living such as cooking , money management , fashion and other things as well . What Acheson is pointing out is for the audience to comprehend if students learned skills throughout their academic life , They will learn and remain having Knowledge on Home Ec Skills for eternity . We will never forget how to read or speak or do basic math neither we will forget the Home Economics Curriculum

Genre Discussion !

One of the topics I mentioned in Unit 2 writing was about bringing back Home Economics to schools . I talked about the reasons why it should remain being taught in schools . I showed sources that gave an idea on why . One of those reasons were to due with being more healthy , It does not have special testing that other schools will see in the future and the benefits of the course itself , History of Home Economics and a description of it’s courses back in the days and A Film about a student who is deciding to choose Home Economics as one of her classes for next semester . I believe that students in high school should hear about my research because they are about to end a chapter of their lives soon . This can be beneficial for juniors and seniors . Let me begin with High School Seniors  , As their about to end their high school career they will soon face a peek of adulthood after graduation , Some of seniors might move to other states to attend college . Others can decide not to go for financial reasons but will work , Imagine when you start a life without a school you need to become more responsible by paying your bills , sustaining yourself , or learn the basic of your home such as cooking !  For the Juniors , Although they are not near graduation but should consider that time will go fast ! They will be able to observe the concepts of Home Economics such as cooking and more to be prepared .  The best genre to send this message is by creating my own comic . Why you may ask ? Why not a simple article ? High Schooler’s want to know something by seeing eye catching materials , It is considered fun for them and won’t bore them at all . From my recent experience , I remember in one of my art classes our teacher showed us films . The point is that with a material like a comic my audience will be able to see the outcomes of the Home Economics Courses and How it will be useful for their futures . 

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