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Author: Genesis (Page 10 of 12)

Mother’s Tongue by Amy Tan – Genesis

Everyone has different experiences within the English Language . To add on the image , I learned the Language at a very late age of five years old  , This was hard for me because I just finished comprehending about the Spanish Language . It was a hard journey to speak with other people my age especially my mother she struggled the most . I believe that for her it was very hard to enroll me in a public school and had to look for someone who knows her language in order to help her .  In these explanations and quotations you will see on how Amy and I have quite some similarities. I can relate with her experiences as well . The first quote ” When I was fifteen She used to have me call people on the phone to pretend I was she . ” I can relate and definitely agree to this because once I learned the language I was expected to help in literally everything , It could be letters or just a simple talk But i had to help translate at a young age . It was a bit multitasking for me but quite a benefit other people do not have .

3 Ways to Speak English – Genesis C

The English Language has various meanings to people around the world . No matter culture , race or the way you speak it now .  Part of me and what was discussed made me realize that everyone who speaks the language is diverse today . Many of us learn the language , In childhood era’s or so on  . The majority of us don’t even know the real meaning of proper English because we speak it in different forms in school , home , or with our close friends . One person can talk to you in a professional way and the other once you are out can talk slang . As you can see , Our change of settings can make a difference on the way we talk  YOU WILL REALIZE IT . For example In the video of Jamila Lyiscott “ 3 Ways to Speak English ” she talks about articulation . She also mentioned the forms of speech that languages have .  Her message for me was about racism , The way she expressed herself in her talk showed the difficulties of the language . To add on , The way people have views on language are demonstrated once she talks about being in her home or having a conversation with her college professor . In the text it states ” I’m so tired of the negative images that are driving my people mad ” The quote has a meaning to me which is that people who intend to continue discriminating wants to convince society to see them differently  ,  I can compare this with the harsh realities anyone faces if they are new to this country

One of my experiences I can relate to the language is not being able to speak and joining a school to learn my first language which was spanish . Once I entered Kindergarten It was a challenge communicating with others until I slowly went learning how to speak it . Later on , I had the benefit of being bilingual . Today while reading this article I found a similarity between the speaker and I , We talk differently with everyone in our surroundings as well . 

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