A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

How to read like a writer

In the essay Mike Bunn writes about how “you are already an author” because on a daily basis we write about something. For example, for school you will have to write essays or discussion boards and unknowingly that already makes you an author. I use words on a daily basis when I send texts or when doing homework. I try to write more formal when is for school, than when I’m texting my friends. I tend to use the word “and” a lot when writing a text to friends, but when writing for school I try to avoid using it so much . When the author was speaking about how difficult it is to read in the dark and how often one would have to reread the sentence due to distractions, I can relate because when I’m reading a book before I go to sleep I get distracted a lot or don’t understand a sentence or paragraph and would have to go back to get some clarity. Some of the books that I’ve read make me question why the author used certain words to describe the setting. Something I noticed in bunn’s article how he writes formally and used uncommon words, like the word “antiquated” to describe the outdated fire-safety laws. I would like to try this in my writing because this is a good way to get the readers attention by using unusual words.  The expertise that will help me in college is reading everyday because it will help me learn new words which will improve my writing. Writing on daily basis, will get easier for me to write my ideas out without struggling. For example, right now it is hard for me to put my ideas into words for the reader to understand what I’m trying to convey. Another way is by taking notes while reading and asking myself questions about the authors choice of words and the purpose of writing the piece.

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Vivian Papp

    Taking notes while you read is such a good idea. I do it all the time.

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