Week 13: Nov 16-20

Goals for the week:

  1. Check-in post
  2. Rough Draft of Artist Statement due 
  3. Begin Unit 4 with overview and assignment sheet


Due by end-of-day Day One

WRITE: Discussion forum: How is your project going?  What do you need help with? 


WRITE: Rough Draft of Artist Statement (at least 500 words) due today. Add a short Reviewers Memo (100-200 words) at the end that addresses these three things: 

  1. This is what I intended to do: Here’s why I wrote it. What I hoped it would do. What I want people to take away from the piece.
  2. This is how I feel about the project so far: how I think it’s going, what problems I’m having, what I think is working, and what I think I need help with, what I’m proud of, etc.
  3. Here are other questions/issues I would like the reviewers to look at such as: what do you think is working? What is confusing? Does each paragraph address a single idea, or does it wander all over the place? Have I mentioned or used something from the readings? If this were your essay, what would you do next?


Due by end-of-day Day Two


READ:  Review Final Portfolio assignment and description.


READ: “The Maker’s Eye” by Donald Murray. https://robertnazar.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/themakerseye.pdf  


WRITE: Remembering what DePage says about positive peer response, do these two things to respond to your peers’ Drafts of the Artist Statement:

  1. Use the Comment feature to make comments as you go – things you really liked, places where you wanted to ask questions either about what they’re saying or what else you would like to know. Here are some prompts for the kinds of Comments you can leave:
  • I liked (           ) because …
  • I got this from reading your work:
  • I found this part interesting ( ) because…
  • I got confused here ( ) because…
  • I wanted to know more about because…
  1. At the very end, leave an overall comment where you include at least one key quote that stands out to you. You’ll use what’s called a “quotation sandwich”: introduce the quote, summarize the quote, respond to the quote explaining why you chose it. It will be very important to pick an appropriate quotation to respond to — one that expands on your Comment so that the writer can get a good idea what your Comment meant.