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My research project topic is “How pet help people reduce stress or help peopleĀ inĀ other mental territories”. So who is really the audience will interesting in my project? I think patients, old people, and parents have children who need special care, they should be like to realize my topic. Why I say that is because they usually have more mental issues than normal people. Patients, they always worry about their state of treatment and face pain every day. Old people, they are lonely and need company. Children who need special care, they need to make connections with society. And there is another point I aware of. My project is paperwork and long, so if I am a patient with a lot of stress I may not read it peacefully. And if I donā€™t think parents who have children need special care will accept the long article as well. So thatā€™s the point, my work is not the best way for the audience to reach. I need a genre that easy to understand and interesting, a genre can make people feel warm and make people smile spontaneously. A video, that what I thinking. For unit 3, I think a video is a perfect choice for my topic. Video is a good way for the audience of my topic, they donā€™t need to read a long article and think, that makes them even stress more. What I want them to do, is just follow the gentle music, relax, and enjoy the video. The easiest way to get information and meanwhile, the most comfortable way either. Kids will attract by music and pictures, old people will feel happiness, and parents will exactly ā€œseeā€ that the way can change their kids.



  1. Ashani Ferguson

    A video would be a great way to gain your audience attention, you should try do a comic video like the one we saw in class last week. With bright colors, music, and playful pets it would definitely be the best genre. In your video don’t only just speak about how a dog helps disorders but also speak about how a dog is a man best friend and their enjoyable characteristics. If you could also use evidence of how someone got a dog and it has helped with their depression or any other sort of problem that will also be great.

  2. Yoleiny

    A specific publication or genre I think you could do is definitely a video because of the audience you are trying to reach. Videos can be well explained without it needing to be too long and uninteresting. This way each of your audience can relax, enjoy the video while also getting facts and information as well.
    Are you trying to reach people from your neighborhood or people that live where you live? Or maybe an audience from all around the world? Which specific audience are you trying to reach such as Hispanics, African Americans, or is it, anyone?
    Are you trying to do a video such as a youtube video or maybe a cartoon? Or maybe you can do a video that includes other people’s opinions about this topic and also show how it has helped many other people. Be specific with what kind of video you would want to make that you believe would help your audience understand your topic.
    I find it very exciting that you are trying to help people with needs become more comfortable and be able to have a pet they can spend their time with. I also find it interesting and exciting how you’re trying to reach your audience through a video. This would help them gain information while also finding it fun to watch.Ā 

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