Misinformation and the school curriculum: Five key challenges and how we should promote digital literacy


This bloging website based in the UK.There was a post that talks about media literacy and the 3 problems that come with it . The first one being promotion.This means that there is a lot of  people that don’t know how to share this information to as much citezens as possible.The second problem the article talks about is the government in the UK.The government in the UK isn’t helping schools at all about media literacy.This is one of  the biggest problems because at the end of the day you need the government’s help to make sure that laws are past to  get this to every school.The third problem is that we need a teachers that know to teach media literacy.We would have to train a lot of new teachers for this subject.This would take a really long time because that would also mean that the course would also need to be made in suffecient ammount of colleges to learn from.


This Blog post reminded me that this is goning to be alot less easier said than done.What I cannont agree more on is the fact that the government doesn’t want to help with teaching about media literacy.This makes me think that the government in the UK doesn’t want it’s people to be smart and eduacted about media literacy.”While the Government is reluctant to revise the curriculum, there is evidence that shows that it should. A recent report by the National Literacy Trust found that only 2% of primary and school children know how to spot misinformation.”.

This may be alittle ironic about misinformation but the post doesn’t have any details on the author.It doesn’t show a name or a face so i cant search them up.The only reason I shared this is because it has multiple links to offical tests and other papers on the same subject.This is some problems i have with the article but it is overall very well put together in my opinion.I would ask the aouther of the article why he didnt put his name on the post or maybe add an backround of education to the blog to make more people belive it.

Quoteables:”There are growing concerns about misinformation within our democratic societies, which rely on a well-informed citizenry. While misinformation has always existed, in the digital age it can spread far more quickly and widely, and how to stop it is a big question.”